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  2. Is This The End Of Soldier Settlement?

    THE WAR SERVICE land settlement scheme, under which thousands of ex-Servicemen were to be settled on the land, has virtually come to a halt in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. WHY? A staff correspondent who has investigated the chequered history of the scheme in ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,877 words
  3. The Sunday Herald.

    "HEALTH WEEK" carries a challenge to all of us. Basically, it is a challenge to visualise ...

    Article : 527 words
  4. Candid Comment

    A LEARNED research student in Melbourne has made an alarming discovery about ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,147 words
  5. Leon Gellert Discusses... THIS SEA FEVER

    WITH the approach of summer people's thoughts are turning more and more towards the sea. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,440 words
  6. Terror Stalks The Jungle

    British colonial official and relatives of settlers in Kenya are worried at the increasing toll of victims claimed by the secret Mau Mau society. THIS week the new ...

    Article : 562 words



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