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  2. A Good Day For Mr. Hughes

    LATEST BULLETIN: "The patient has had a good day. He is gradually ...

    Article : 617 words
  3. Britain 'Ahead Of United States" AUSTRALIA AS PERMANENT ATOM TEST AREA

    LONDON, Oct. 11. —London sources say that Britain will not explode more atomic weapons in Australia for "some fairly long ...

    Article : 576 words
  4. Farouk's Historic Story

    "The Sunday Herald" this week begins publication of a remarkable and controversial historic document—the account by ex-King Farouk of Egypt himself of the revolution which cost him his throne and sent him into exile. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 241 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 6 words
  6. Churchill Sees Red Trap

    LONDON, Oct. 11. —Mr. Churchill said to-day that Britain would not fall into ...

    Article : 441 words
  7. 300 Million More People Now

    GENEVA, Oct. 11 (A.A.P.).—There are between 300 and 400 million more people in the world ...

    Article : 126 words
  8. Favourite Dalray Beaten In Queen's Cup

    The 44,000 racegoers at Randwick yesterday saw 10-9 favourite Dalray beaten into third place in the Queen's Cup by Salamanca, a 50-1 chance, with ...

    Article : 457 words
  9. Reds In Public Service

    LONDON, Oct. II (A.A.P.).—Mr..J. B. Eden, a nephew of Britain's Foreign Secretary, ...

    Article : 75 words
  10. World Trip In 30ft Ketch

    A young Sydney couple will leave Mosman Bay at 9 a.m. to-morrow in an ...

    Article : 269 words
  11. 91 Migrants In Scene At Central Station

    Ninety-one Italian migrants, moved from Singleton Army camp, shouted and protested early last night on a platform at Central Railway Station. ...

    Article : 373 words
  12. Boys Steal Birds From Zoo

    Four boys yesterday cut a hole in a large birdcage at Taronga Park Zoo and stole tow ...

    Article : 157 words
  13. Migrant On Charge Of Murder

    LITHGOW, Saturday.—Guiscppe Radolovi, 44, a labourer at the Government ...

    Article : 194 words
  14. Zululanid Visitor

    MR. C. K. JOHNSON, a sugar planter of Umfolozi, Zululand, South Africa, who arrived in ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 36 words

    MELBOURNE, Saturday. —The Minister for Immigration, Mr. H. E. Holt, said to-night that Australia ...

    Article : 93 words
  16. Post For Young 'Cellist

    LONDON, Oct. 11.—Sir Thomas Beecham has appointed John Kennedy, the 29-year-old son of the ...

    Article : 130 words
  17. Huge Crop In Canada

    OTTAWA, Oct. 11 (A.A.P.).—Government statisticians said yesterday that Canada faced prospects of ...

    Article : 38 words
  18. Child Found After Night Search

    ADELAIDE, Saturday —A lost two-year-old boy, drenched by heavy rain throughout last night at ...

    Article : 91 words

    CITY.—Cool. Cloudy. Fresh southerly winds. Brief showers, but mainly fine. N.S.W.—Fine in most of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 54 words
  20. Memorial Fund To The King

    LONDON, Oct. 11 (A.A.P.). —The fund for a national morial to King George VI reached £230,000 last night. ...

    Article : 70 words
  21. "Third Man" In Mystery

    MELBOURNE, Saturday. —Melbourne detectives are seeking a "third man" who has entered the ...

    Article : 133 words



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