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  2. Ruthless Farming Is Ruining Soil, Experts Say

    Australian agriculture, in the last financial year, earned an estimated £720 million gross — an all-time record. But economists, agronomists, and soil ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,273 words
  3. Letters

    Sir,—Now that the further 100 taxi-cabs are to be released shortly, could the Police Department and the transport authorities ...

    Article : 136 words
  4. The Sydney Morning Herald.

    It is natural that, amidst the growing anxieties of the world situation, the minds of English-speaking statesmen should dwell ...

    Article : 643 words
  5. Milk Rationing

    Sir,—The chairman of the Milk Board is reported as saying: "Householders should be receiving 50 per cent, of their normal ...

    Article : 265 words
  6. Red China Seeks Prosperity By Boosting The Silkworm

    ACCORDING to a Communist report from Shanghai, the local silk factories will be supplied this ...

    Article : 1,077 words
  7. Aid To Church Schools

    Sir,—Archdeacon Hammond's suggestion that those in possession of denominational schools to-day are in that position "by resisting ...

    Article : 91 words
  8. Duty On Imported Wire Netting

    Wire netting is such a key material in the Australian economy that it must be hoped some agreement will be reached ...

    Article : 449 words
  9. More Trainees Needed For Building Industry

    ALTHOUGH the Commonwealth Employment Service reports every month that around 3,000 jobs for ...

    Article : 644 words
  10. Lake Eyre

    Sir.—The filling of Lake Eyre by the recent floods has caused a great deal of interest in the cities of Australia. ...

    Article : 147 words
  11. New Highway

    Sir,—Mr. Monroe seems to argue in his letter (July 24th) that ratepayers in the rest of the metropolis should not bear part of the ...

    Article : 197 words
  12. Chinese For Sydney Science Post

    DR. YAO-TSENG TCHAN, a 32-year-old Chinese scientist, has been chosen as the new Macleay ...

    Article : 208 words
  13. Cruiser's Mission Of Mercy

    Human life, though sacrificed so recklessly in the frightful wars of our times, is still held precious when the survival of ...

    Article : 310 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 0 words
  15. Federal Health Plan

    Sir,—In outlining the Federal Government's belated health scheme the Minister for Health, Sir Earle Page, said that ...

    Article : 87 words



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