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  2. Loss of the Londbnian.

    Further news has been received concerning the wreck of the steamer Londomaninthe Atlantic. It appears that the steamer Vedamore, which has arrived at ...

    Article : 107 words
  3. Sun and Moon.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 58 words
  4. A Fearful End.

    At about 10.30 last night the watchman on duty at the Parliamentary buildings had his attention drawn towards the Belle Vae Hotel, just opposite, by the sound of ...

    Article : 242 words

    The cable companies have offered to lay an all-British cable between England and the Cape of Good Hope, on the condition of receiving an annual subsidy of ...

    Article : 67 words
  6. Affairs in Abyssinia.

    It is reported that Ras Mangascia, one of the most powerful of the Abyssinian chiefs, against whom King Menelek was some time ago reported to be marching ...

    Article : 65 words
  7. Libelling an Ex Lord Mayor.

    Sir Joseph Savory, Bart., M.P., who was Lord Mayor of London in 1890-91, has sued the proprietors of a newspaper called London for libel, and the case was ...

    Article : 114 words
  8. Promised Legislation.

    The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies, during his speech at Wakefield last evening, promised that the Government would ...

    Article : 66 words
  9. LAST NIGHT'S MESSAGES. Affairs in China.

    The Viceroys of Nankin and Hankow have assured Lord Charles Beresford they are friendly towards Great Britain, and have promised to urge the authorities at ...

    Article : 83 words
  10. Plucky Action of a British Officer.

    The Victoria medal has been conferred, upon Lieutenant the Hon. Raymond H. L. J. De Montmorency, of the 21st Lancers, who previous to the battle of ...

    Article : 78 words
  11. An Anarchist in the Bank of England.

    A sensational incident occurred at the Bank of England last night. A man, apparently a foreigner, went up to the bank at midnight, and, after ringing the ...

    Article : 87 words
  12. Spain and America.

    In connection with the treaty of peace between America and Spain, which has just been signed at Paris, it is annonnoed that it has been decided to allow the debt of ...

    Article : 54 words
  13. Peace Treaty between Spain and America.

    The labors of the Peace Commission which has been sitting in Paris for some time past have how been concluded, and a treaty of peace between Spain and the ...

    Article : 43 words
  14. Privy Council Appeal

    In the case of the New South Wales Commissioners of Taxation v. Teece (A.M.P. Society), which was an appeal by the Commissioners against the decision ...

    Article : 54 words
  15. Burmah-Siamese Railway.

    Lord Elgin, late Viceroy of India, who is visiting Burmah, speaking at Monlmein, said that the construction of the BurmahSiamese railway depended upon the views ...

    Article : 38 words
  16. Situation in the Philippines.

    Admiral Dewey, who is in command of the American fleet at Manila, has reported to the United States Government that it is not likely that the Philippines will ...

    Article : 66 words
  17. Negroes in the Transvaal.

    Mr. W. P. Schreiner, the Premier of Cape Colony, has admitted that colored people from the colony are treated very badly in the Transvaal, but he refuses to ...

    Article : 146 words
  18. London Wool Sales.

    The wool sales continue brisk, and prices [?] are exceedingly [?] ...

    Article : 15 words
  19. Action of the Army Staff.

    [?] of the French Army, acting on behalf of other officers of the staff waited upon M. Faure, President of the French Republic, ...

    Article : 83 words
  20. Excitement in Paris.

    Thousands of Guards and police are on duty in Paris for the purpose of preventing any anti-Dreyfus demonstrations in the streets and at railway stations in connection ...

    Article : 54 words
  21. Germany and the European Concert

    A British blue-book on Cretan affairs, which has just been published, contains a despatch from Sir Frank Lascelles, the British Ambassador at Berlin, in which it ...

    Article : 90 words
  22. Czar's Conference.

    It is announced that the conference on the Czar's proposal for international disarmament will meet at St. Petersburg in February nest. The conferece is to be limited to the ...

    Article : 83 words
  23. Russian Minister at Pekin

    News comes from Pekin that M. de Criers, the new Russian Minister to China, has been received in audience by the Emperor. It is specially mentioned ...

    Article : 65 words
  24. Colonel Picquart and the Dreyfus Case.

    Reports from Paris state, with reference to the recent request of Colonel Picquart to the Court of Cassation to decide whether he is amenable to the civil or the ...

    Article : 237 words
  25. Mr. Chamberlain on British Policy.

    The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, in a speech delivered at Wakefield last night, stated that Great Britain desired to maintain a cordial friendship with ...

    Article : 211 words
  26. Parliament.

    In the Legislative Assembly to-day, Mr. Kerr moved the adjournment of the House to call attention to the alleged irregularities connected with the electoral rolls at Isisford, ...

    Article : 81 words
  27. Fire in Charleville.

    The Union Hall here was burnt to the ground yesterday afternoon at half-past 4 o'clock, The hall was inteaded to be used for a benefit concert to Mrs. Symonds, which ...

    Article : 59 words
  28. Sir Edmond Monson's Speech

    With reference to the recent speech of Sir Edmond Monson, the British Ambassador before the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris which caused great ...

    Article : 58 words
  29. Miscellaneous Cables.

    News from New York states that exPresident Cleveland, in the course of an interview, strongly condemned the policy of territorial expansion which has been ...

    Article : 333 words
  30. Q.T.C. Races.

    The Q.T.C. races yesterday were well attended, and the weather was fine. £5000 passed through the totalisator. There were large fields.. The principal race was ...

    Article : 4,335 words



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