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Advertising : 915 wordsRADIO, movie films, gramophone records, and television are sure to revolutionise education in the near futnre. It is quite possible that the ...
Article : 692 wordsPLAN your crime however carefully; attend to the most minute details with whatever degree of meticulousness you ...
Article : 669 wordsEMIL JANNINGS does not think much of Hollywood, he revealed, during his recent visit to Paris. "Talking films are becoming a poor ...
Article : 295 wordsM. Eugene Le Moult, the famous French entomologist, tells me that fortunes have been made on Devil's Island by convicts, who collected rare ...
Article : 200 wordsLAST week, Mr. Sampson, addressing the annual meeting of the State and Municipal Orchestra, again brought up the subject of the poor support ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 2,016 wordsI AM going to be a great writer. It is inevitable, as I have Coleridge's imagination, Tennyson's gift of expression, and Pope's face. But what shall ...
Article : 721 wordsAn attempt to cater for all sections of music lovers will be made at Mr. Edward Cahill's farewell concert in Cremorne Theatre next Saturday night ...
Article : 137 wordsJACK DEMPSEY, who as a fighter created the million-dollar boxing gate, has launched a career as a promoter to bring it back again (says a ...
Article : 313 wordsHiccough is one of the penalties of eating too quickly or swallowing too hot food. The distressing and sometimes painful condition is due to the spasm of ...
Article : 137 wordsA single hair from a girl's head has a tensile—or supporling—strength equal to half that of structural steel, according to Mr. Clement Brown, an expert in ...
Article : 144 wordsJohn Ellis, the hangman, who died recently, often complained that the fee paid him for his gruesome duties was inadequate. Certainly he never received ...
Article : 134 wordsA key thrust down a person's back often stops a nose bleeding because the metal of the kev is cold. A piece of ice, a metal cigarette-case—in fact ...
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Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), Sun 2 Apr 1933, Page 13
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