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  2. Decision On Culture Centre Site Revoked

    The Greater Newcastle Council decided last night to refer the question of the resumption of the Laman-street site for the Cultural Centre Committee, to the Works and Finance Committees for report. ...

    Article : 1,125 words
  3. No Title


    Article : 2 words
  4. Committee to Inquire Into City Transport

    Greater Newcastle council last night adopted a motion by Ald. Thornton that a committee of three be appointed to inquire into the ...

    Article : 262 words
  5. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 1,714 words
  6. Wells Documented a World Vision

    The death of H. G. Wells caps a climax in that great series or world disorders every aspect of which he interpreted so ...

    Article : 629 words

    The Housing Commission intends to build a block of 72 self-contained flats at Cook's Hill and 200 more homes at Wallsend. The Chairman of the ...

    Article : 660 words
  8. Diggers Warned Against Brewery Project

    If the Returned Soldiers' League bought an interest in a brewery [?] might buy a "pig in a poke," Adamstown sub-branch was warned last ...

    Article : 214 words
  9. To-day Likely to Be Fine, But Cool

    Mr. Cyril Griffiths' forecast for Newcastle and the coalfields to-day is—Fine, with cool south-westerly winds, sunny day, cold night. ...

    Article : 169 words
  10. Trades Hall Suggests Joint Ambulance Election Ticket

    A DEPUTATION from Newcastle Trades Hall Council last night suggested to Newcastle District Ambulance Committee that the ...

    Article : 374 words

    ATHENS, August 14. A.A.P.— The first convoy in the repatriation of 30,000 Armenians from Greece to Soviet Armenia has left for Black ...

    Article : 29 words
  12. Home Guard

    Why has Mum locked the pantry door? As a precaution against heir raids! ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 18 words
  13. 85 p.c. of Wool for Newcastle Carried by Road

    Eighty-five per cent. of the wool reaching Newcastle is being carried by road transport. Some lorries are carrying 57 bales on each trip. ...

    Article : 246 words
  14. Petition Governor on Erosion

    Greater Newcastle Council decided last night to petition the Governor (Lieut.-General Northcott), through the Minister for Local Government ...

    Article : 39 words
  15. Inquiring Into Cause of Wall Collapse

    Greater Newcastle Council officers are inquiring into the cause of the brick wall collapsing at No. 1 Sports Ground yesterday. Six boys from Newcastle High ...

    Article : 260 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 199 words
  17. Morpeth Factory Opens Monday

    Operations of the tobacco factory of W. D). and H. O. Wills (Aust.) Ltd. at Morpeth will begin on schedule on Monday. Machinery used in ...

    Article : 127 words
  18. National Fitness Officer Resigns

    Mr. R. H. Patterson informed Greater Newcastle Council last night that since October, 1945, he had received an allowance of about 9/7 a ...

    Article : 233 words
  19. The Bee and the Bull

    It is too much. After criticisms of our tennis players, golfers, Rugby League footballers, and Victory Contingent, M. Vyshinsky ...

    Article : 240 words

    Professor R. Gabriel, Professor of History at Yale University, and Visiting Professor of American History at the University of Sydney for ...

    Article : 206 words

    ON AUGUST 15, 1808, the Dundee, from India, was wrecked on Stockton Beach. Two lives were lost. On the same day, in 1826. Norfolk ...

    Article : 386 words
  22. Equipment at Play Centre Damaged

    Vandals were wrecking play centre equipment in Danger Park as fast as it could be erected. Mr. R. T. Blair said at a meeting of Mayfield ...

    Article : 117 words
  23. No Funds to Extend Free Milk Scheme

    Free milk for children at Catherine Hill Bay School will be considered when funds are available. The Minister for Education (Mr. ...

    Article : 70 words

    The Greater Newcastle Council Finance Committee last night approved the letting of the City Hall on Sunday. August 25 at 2.30 p.m. ...

    Article : 62 words

    If a member of the R.S.L. loses his membership badge, his application for a new badge must go before the State branch of the league, the Secretary ...

    Article : 65 words



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