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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 24 words

    FROM AN UNDISCLOSED BASE IN THE PHILIPPINES, April 15 (Domei).--Japanese naval air units inflicted heavy ...

    Article : 412 words
  4. Production Of Rice Will Be Discussed

    A two-day meeting of authorities on rice production is scheduled tomorrow and Saturday, under the auspices of the office of the ...

    Article : 215 words
  5. Nippon Envoy In Conference With Molotov

    MOSCOW, April 14 (Downed).--Ambassador Naotake Sato, Japanese envoy to Soviet Russia, visited Foreign Commissar ...

    Article : 74 words
  6. Loss of Air Fleet Owned By Churchill

    LISBON, April 13 (Domei).-- A London report received here said that Prime Minister Winston Churchill, admitting the ...

    Article : 868 words
  7. Laval Likely To Land High Cabinet Post

    LISBON, April 15 (Domei).-- According to a report from Vichy, the reorganization of the Vichy cabinet was decided at a ...

    Article : 204 words
  8. 14 Judges Are Named by Vargas

    With the approval of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Japanese Forces, Chairman Jorge B. Vargas, of the ...

    Article : 420 words
  9. Bataan's Fall Hits N. Y. Mart

    STOCKHOLM, April 15 (Domei).--News of the fall of Bataan dealt a stunning blow both to government circles and the ...

    Article : 286 words
  10. Nippon Forces Superior--Homma

    FROM THE BATAAN FRONT, April 14 (Domei)--In his first press interview since the opening of the campaign in the ...

    Article : 179 words

    The sweltering heat in the city registered a new high mark for the year so far yesterday when the temperature soared to a ...

    Article : 62 words
  12. Automobile Registration Fees liaised in Executive Order

    Registration fees for motor vehicles have been increased in an executive order issued yesterday by Chairman Jorge B. Vargas of the executive commission. The fees for private automobiles of five passenger capacity ...

    Article : 678 words
  13. Filipino Refugees in Bataan Appreciate Kindness of Japanese

    A member of the Propaganda Corps of the Imperial Japanese Forces, who went to Bataan to witness the collapse of the Phil-American defenders there, gave an impression of his trip in the following article: ...

    Article : 948 words



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