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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,296 words
  3. To the Editor of The Australian.

    HOWEVER MEAN THE OPINION [?] be I entertain of my own literary abilities, in humble judgment teaches me to hold in after contempt the vulgar language made us to convey the [?] of a vulgar W. G. WHITFIELD. ...

    Article : 637 words
  4. To the Editor of The Australian.

    IN THE SYDNEY GAZETTE OF APRIL 20 there is a Letter signed by Mr. Martin, it consists of little more than misstatements. It is not true that I gave a promissory note in favor of the ...

    Article : 309 words
  5. To the Editor of The Australian.

    SIR,—The undersigned is the most intimate friend the late Peter Kinsella had. Before I reached the house where his body laid, Mr. Martin was at work at the body: Of course my sanction had not been obtained to open the stomach, or dissect the ...

    Article : 108 words
  6. To the Editor of The Australian.

    The late Jane Doar was under my protection; Mr. Martin had not my permission to open the body, and which he did within one hour after her decease, Soon after her decease Mr. Martin furnished me with ...

    Article : 327 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 50 words



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