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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 12 words
  3. Raid Sirens

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 49 words
  4. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words

    Koepang, main Japanese base in Timor, was left in flames when 15 Liberators blew up the powerhouse and fuel installations with 42 tons of bombs ...

    Article : 309 words

    LONDON, Saturday.--Most furious air bombardment the world has known compelled Pantellaria to hoist the white flag of surrender shortly before noon yesterday. ...

    Article : 816 words
  7. Airmen In Making

    Cadets of the Air Training Corps marching through the city today. The parade was part of a drive to secure 2000 youths, between 16 and 18, as ATC recruits. Several of the cadets who look part in it will enter the RAAF shortly. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 44 words
  8. Britain, U.S. Recognise Argentina

    LONDON, Saturday.--Britain and the United States have recognised the new Argentine ...

    Article : 122 words
  9. Roosevelt Warns Italy--"Get Out!"

    WASHINGTON, Friday.--After saying that the surrender of Pantellaria was very good news, President Roosevelt today appealed to Italy--indirectly, but strongly--to get out of the war. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 298 words
  10. Blind Football Trainer

    Mr. Tom Ryan, who has been blind for eight years, is trainer of the unbeaten St. George Australian Rules football team. At matches friends give him a running commentary on the play. Mr. Ryan is showing his schoolboy son, Bill ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 57 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 83 words
  12. Enemy Bombed In Solomons

    WASHINGTON, Friday.--On Thursday morning. Corsairs and Lightnings intercepted and shot down four Mitsubishi bombers ...

    Article : 43 words
  13. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 88 words
  14. Radio Sets Seized; Fear Of Invasion

    LONDON, Saturday.--Holland was told by a German speaker last night that an Allied ...

    Article : 225 words

    LONDON, Saturday.--The Belgian Prime Minister, Senator Pierlot, said in a speech at Edinburgh that 53 per ...

    Article : 63 words
  16. Amazing New Cure

    NEW YORK, Friday.--Amazing results of sulfadiazine treatment for meningitis have been ...

    Article : 138 words
  17. 200 Bombers Hit Sub Bases

    LONDON, Saturday.--Two hundred unescorted American heavy bombers attacked the U-boat bases of Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven in north-western Germany, in ...

    Article : 256 words
  18. Plea By Vatican

    LONDON, Saturday.--Vatican radio broadcast an appeal to German parents last night to teach their children the right ...

    Article : 125 words
  19. Fishing Fleet Ran Gauntlet of Japs

    CAIRO, Saturday.--A fleet of little Australian ships loaded with vital supplies ran the gauntlet to the Philippines while General MacArthur held out there early last year. Only one in three got through. ...

    Article : 225 words
  20. Chinese Still Scoring

    NEW YORK, Friday.--New successes have been scored by the Chinese forces against the Japanese along the Yangtze, between Ichang and Hankow. The Associated Press of ...

    Article : 202 words



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