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    Advertising : 13 words
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    Advertising : 4 words

    SYDNEY, Wednesday. The strike in the coal industry, which began on June 27, and is now in its seventh week, is expected to end this Week-end. ...

    Article : 600 words

    Trams may run in Melbourne this week end, but trains will stop at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday and not resume until Monday. A conference today will decide whether tram services can be restored, and whether power restrictions on industry, ...

    Article : 263 words
  6. More Indian Coal

    COINCIDING with the collapse of the coal strike, the Indian collier West Bengal has begun unloading 8000 tons of coal at South Wharf. Cranes, mechanical grabs and transport were busily engaged yesterday when this picture was taken. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 40 words
  7. Formosa's Role and Possibility of Pacific Pact

    Formosa might revert to Japanese control, the influential Conservative newspaper "Yomiuri" suggested in an ...

    Article : 209 words
  8. Pacific Pact Basis May be Economic

    President Quirino of the Philippines told a packed House of Representatives that no ...

    Article : 334 words
  9. Haigh Executed

    John George Haigh, who was sentenced at Sussex Assizes last month for the murder of Mrs. Olive Durand-Deacon, a ...

    Article : 144 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 103 words
  11. New Governor Will Arrive on October 17

    An escort from the Australian Armored Division will be provided by the Army for the Governor-designate ...

    Article : 201 words

    QUITO (E[?]dor), August 10 (A.A.P.). St[?] measures have been taken by the Government to prevent leaving and disorder in Ecuador's earthquake area. Con[?]net authorised military rule whatever necessary. ...

    Article : 542 words
  13. U.S. Manoeuvres off Crete Coast

    Thirty United States warships, including the aircraft carrier Coral Sea and cruiser Fargo, began manoeuvres in ...

    Article : 50 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 138 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 155 words
  16. Russian Move Against Bomb War Checked

    A Red Cross conference of 59 nations turned down a Russian resolution to outlaw the ...

    Article : 215 words
  17. Nippon Whaling Trip Approved

    General MacArthur has approved a Japanese whaling expedition to the Antarctic in 1949-50 on the same basis as ...

    Article : 88 words
  18. Damage Caused in D.P. Camps

    Displaced persons have caused £1,250,000 worth of damage during four years in the Bueckeburg district, in ...

    Article : 75 words
  19. Giant Bombers As U.S. First Defence Line

    The giant B36 bomber was the United States' first line of defence if Russia had turned the Berlin blockade into an ...

    Article : 125 words
  20. Keen Interest in Expedition to Heard Is.

    A member of the Australian expedition to Heard Island, Mr. Arthur Scholes, a Sydney journalist, is to appear on a ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 140 words
  21. No Mistake About This Evidence

    A report from Estcourt, Natal, says a native who complained he had been assaulted brought proof with ...

    Article : 54 words
  22. 12-Nation Europe Assembly Begins

    The Foreign Ministers forming the Cabinet of the Council of Europe this morning put the finishing touches to the agenda they will submit this afternoon to ...

    Article : 201 words
  23. "Bing" & "Bob" Strike Oil

    A report from Fort Worth, Texas, says Bob Hope and Bing Crosby have struck oil. They are partners in an oil ...

    Article : 54 words
  24. Early Czech Clash on Church Expected

    September will be a crucial month beginning the test between the ideology of Moscow and the ideology of Rome. Church authorities here ...

    Article : 169 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 219 words



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