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  2. Mt. Pleasant District Council

    The regular monthly meeting of the above council was held on Tuesday, 12st inst., at Mount Pleasant. Present were Crs. P. T. Miller (chair), A. H. ...

    Article : 1,439 words
  3. Around The Hills

    A prominent subject of comment hroughout the Hills—as well elsewhere, it may be whispered (in use the powers that be may head ...

    Article : 809 words
  4. Generalities

    At length the Russians are seeing tairmindedness as regards Persia, and are vacating the country. The likelihood of a demanded explanation ...

    Article : 611 words

    All roads on Thursday last led to Mount Pleasant, where for So years (with a couple of lapses due to the recent war) this period of the year, ...

    Article : 6,537 words
  6. Mount Barker C.W.A.

    At the March meeting of the Mount Barker branch of the C.W.A., a good attendance of members gathered to meet the president and ...

    Article : 215 words
  7. —The Week's Story—

    Small boy: "We've always had a house shortage, haven't we, dad?" Dad: "What makes you say that?" Boy: "A long time ago I remember ...

    Article : 39 words



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