The regular monthly meeting of the above council was held on Tuesday, 12st inst., at Mount Pleasant. Present were Crs. P. T. Miller (chair), A. H. ...
Article : 1,439 wordsA prominent subject of comment hroughout the Hills—as well elsewhere, it may be whispered (in use the powers that be may head ...
Article : 809 wordsAt length the Russians are seeing tairmindedness as regards Persia, and are vacating the country. The likelihood of a demanded explanation ...
Article : 611 wordsAll roads on Thursday last led to Mount Pleasant, where for So years (with a couple of lapses due to the recent war) this period of the year, ...
Article : 6,537 wordsAt the March meeting of the Mount Barker branch of the C.W.A., a good attendance of members gathered to meet the president and ...
Article : 215 wordsSmall boy: "We've always had a house shortage, haven't we, dad?" Dad: "What makes you say that?" Boy: "A long time ago I remember ...
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