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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 290 words

    Federal Cabinet on Monday will consider action to follow rejection of the Communist Party Dissolution Act. The Full High Court yesterday held that the Act was wholly ...

    Article : 1,619 words
  4. Pal By Name, Nature

    Pal, 4½ year-old Alsatian owned by Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, of Hunter-street, Newcastle, is a handy dog. He demands to carry the shopping bag whenever Mr. and ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 155 words

    TOKYO, March, 9. A.A.P.-Reuter.—Observers expect the Allies armies to by-pass the South Korean capital, Seoul, which has been reported heavily defended. ...

    Article : 547 words
  6. Court Told Of Massacre On Ambon

    LOS NEGROS, March 9. A.A.P.-Reuter.—Japanese executioners whipped themselves into a frenzy of revenge and shouted the names ...

    Article : 260 words
  7. Some Music Was Hard

    The going was not easy for some members of the children's orchestra who practised last night for their recital at the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 89 words
  8. Nature Bites Back

    LITHGOW, Friday.—The pupil of a nature study class was bitten on a finger by a centipede to-day. ...

    Article : 96 words
  9. Endorsement Of Member Withheld

    SYDNEY, Friday.—The nomination of Mr. L. Mulcahy, M.H.R. for Lang, has not yet been endorsed by the Central Executive ...

    Article : 138 words
  10. Professor Found In Road Gang

    BRISBANE, Friday.—Professor Patrick Eldon Daunt, who had been missing for 18 days was found to-day working in a road gang near ...

    Article : 231 words
  11. Anzac Day Races Rule "Hypocrisy"

    SYDNEY, Friday.—The protest by the Returned Soldiers' League against the holding by the Gallipoli Legion of a race meeting at ...

    Article : 299 words
  12. Challenge to Evatt—M.H.R. Invites Court Action

    CANBERRA, Friday.—Mr. Wentworth (Lib. N.S.W.) to-day challenged the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Dr. Evatt) to take Court action against him for allegations that Dr. Evatt ...

    Article : 841 words
  13. Man Drowned At Entrance

    THE ENTRANCE, Friday.—Ron Dennis, permanent lifesaver, ran half a mile from The Entrance to Blue Bay this afternoon, plunged ...

    Article : 103 words
  14. Chinese Held In Brisbane Get Rice Ration

    BRISBANE, Friday.—A hurried search through city stores to-day produced 100lb of rice. It will be used to feed the 76 Chinese seamen ...

    Article : 189 words
  15. Ducking For Big (2 Ways) Lottery Winner

    Donald Keith Halt, 25, of Brook-street, Telarah, is 6ft. 3in. and weighs 16 stone. Despite his size, his workmates at Cardiff Railway ...

    Article : 215 words
  16. £420M. FOR U.K. ARMY

    LONDON, March 9. A.A.P.—Britain will spend £420 million in 1951-52 on its new Army, £120 million more than last year. ...

    Article : 122 words
  17. Cyclist's Leg Broken In Collision

    SYDNEY, Friday.—Clement Hartley, 23, schoolteacher, of Moss Vale, had his right leg fractured when his motor-cycle and a ...

    Article : 43 words

    LAHORE, March 9. A.A.P.-Reuter.—A plot aimed at creating "a commotion in the country by violent means" has been discovered in Pakistan. ...

    Article : 365 words
  19. Railway Guard Killed

    WYONG, Friday.—A railway guard was cut to pieces on the line about quarter of a mile north of Wyong Railway Station to-night. ...

    Article : 83 words
  20. March Of Science

    WASHINGTON, March 9. A.A.P.—A new X-ray system said to hold promise of revolutionising and speeding up the ...

    Article : 140 words
  21. Child in Coma For Six Weeks

    SYDNEY, Friday.—A two-year-old encephalitis victim who has been in a coma in Wentworth Hospital since January 26 is being ...

    Article : 63 words

    NEW YORK, March 9.—Favourite target for mosquitoes is a plump person, dressed in dark clothes, who has just finished a ...

    Article : 156 words
  23. Seventh Crossing For N.Z. Cargo

    AUCKLAND, March 9. A.A.P.-Reuter.—Three hundred tons of cargo for Auckland from Vancouver will begin its seventh crossing ...

    Article : 87 words
  24. Emergency Power For Airways

    CANBERRA, Friday.—Emergency generating plants would protect all vital installations of the Australian airways system, the ...

    Article : 54 words



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