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    Advertising : 99 words

    Lambton miners voted at a special lodge meeting yesterday for a return to work this morning. John Darling miners will vote again on the issue at a pit-top ...

    Article : 610 words

    Members of the A.M.F. marching down hunter-street in the rain yesterday morning on their way to Gan Gan camp. More than ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 43 words
  5. "Strangers" Leave Train To Marry

    NEW YORK, Feb. 20.—A 23-year-old marine and a 19-year-old girl boarded the same transcontinental train in San ...

    Article : 115 words
  6. Bevin Aims For Long Peace

    LONDON, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—Cooperation between the Western and other peace-loving nations could mean peace for "hundreds of years," the Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin) said. ...

    Article : 553 words
  7. Man Killed; Falls Off Paper Truck

    SYDNEY, Sunday.—One man was killed and seven were injured in road accidents to-day. Thomas Seary, 30, of ...

    Article : 230 words
  8. Fire Destroys 2500 Homes

    TOKYO, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—Fires which burned uncontrolled for eight hours destroyed 2500 homes in Noshiro to-day. Ten ...

    Article : 81 words
  9. Shark Cruises Near Men At Overturned Ski

    BRISBANE, Sunday.—Three lifesavers clung to an upturned surf ski with a 10ft. shark underneath them while two other lifesavers ...

    Article : 210 words
  10. British Labour "Planning Snap Election"

    LONDON, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—Britain's top Labour Party managers are making plans for a possible "snap" general election, says the ...

    Article : 245 words
  11. 3M. Workers Idle In U.S.

    WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—Three million workers in the United States are now unemployed, according to an estimate by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labour ...

    Article : 299 words
  12. Liberals, C.P. Agree On Nominations

    SYDNEY, Sunday.—Sitting members of the Liberal and Country Parties representing country seats in the House of Representatives are ...

    Article : 212 words
  13. Basil Workers Threaten Strike On Wage Issue

    SYDNEY, Sunday.— Wool and basil workers throughout Australia may strike this week unless employers meet their demands for an ...

    Article : 164 words
  14. Public Protest On Hyde Park Tree

    SYDNEY, Sunday.—The controversy over the Northern Rivers fig tree in Hyde Park was renewed to-day when a protest meeting in ...

    Article : 101 words

    BOMBAY, Feb. 20. A.A.P. — About 300 people have been arrested in what appears to be a country-wide drive against Communists, ...

    Article : 136 words

    CANBERRA, Sunday.—The Commonwealth Government would ask the Federal Labour Advisory Committee to examine the system of incentive payments, Mr. Chifley said to-night. ...

    Article : 375 words
  17. Horseflesh "Not Inferior To Other Meats"

    ADELAIDE, Sunday.—The idea that horseflesh was inferior to other meats was nonsense, Professor Sir Stanton hicks, of Adelaide ...

    Article : 182 words
  18. Men On Land Welcome Statewide Rain

    Statewide rain yesterday was welcomed by farmers and gaziers. Typical of the reactions of Hunter Valley farmers were ...

    Article : 339 words
  19. Male Radio Star, John Cazabon

    SYDNEY, Sunday.—Winners of 1948 Macquarie awards for radio performances were announced to-night. ...

    Article : 112 words
  20. Rescued Man Takes Collection For Lifesavers

    SYDNEY, Sunday.— A middle-aged man who was rescued from the surf at Freshwater this morning later took up a 3d collection among ...

    Article : 122 words
  21. Fire In N.Z. Boarding House; 2 Women Die

    AUCKLAND, Feb. 20. A.A.P.-Reuter. —Two women died in a fire which destroyed a large boarding house at Remuera, a suburb of ...

    Article : 109 words
  22. Pious Plunge Naked Into Icy River

    MOSCOW, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—In temperatures well below freezing point, priests of the Orthodox Russian Church in Saratov, 450 miles ...

    Article : 158 words
  23. Children Lost Twice In Day

    SYDNEY, Sunday. — Hundreds of Sydney police were searching late to-night for two young children who ran away for the second ...

    Article : 112 words
  24. Bulgarian Party Merger

    SOFIA, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—The Zveno Party, one of the few remaining independent political parties in Bulgaria, has decided to merge ...

    Article : 43 words

    PERTH, Sunday.—The Egyptian migrant ship, Misr, is due at Fremantle on Monday, bringing 740 migrants for Australia, 55 of whom ...

    Article : 31 words
  26. "No Competition For Trade" By Migrant Ships

    LONDON, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—The Ministry of Transport had an understanding with the shipping industry that migrant ships would not ...

    Article : 195 words
  27. U.K. Churches Pray For Rain In Winter

    LONDON, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—For the first time in living memory prayers for rain in February were offered to-day in Suffolk churches. ...

    Article : 150 words
  28. Russian Claimed As Plane Pioneer

    MOSCOW, Feb. 20. A.A.P. — The Russian inventor, Alexander Mozhaisky, had "designed, built, and tested the first aeroplane in the ...

    Article : 56 words
  29. Responsibility For Dresden Raid Disputed

    BERLIN, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—Berlin's Press is waging a wordy East-West battle on who was responsible for the mass raid on ...

    Article : 163 words
  30. Latest Portrait

    The latest portrait to reach Australia of Princess Margaret, daughter of the King and Queen. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 17 words
  31. Society "Leaves Little Time For Home, Children'

    BRISBANE, Sunday. — Society to-day was the tyrant which left many people little time to attend to their homes and children, ...

    Article : 191 words
  32. Gas Masks Used In Basement Fire

    SYDNEY, Sunday.— Firemen from eight brigades donned gas-masks to fight a fire in the basement of the State Government's ...

    Article : 72 words
  33. Adjudged Insane But Wins Poetry Prize

    WASHINGTON, Feg. 20. A.A.P. —Ezra Pound, who has been charged with treason and adjudged insane, was yesterday awarded a ...

    Article : 153 words

    WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. A.A.P. —Colonel George Eyster, Deputy Chief of the Army's Public Relations Division, admitted yesterday ...

    Article : 129 words
  35. 'Oliver Twist' Under Fire In Berlin

    BERLIN, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—The British film "Oliver Twist" has come under fire from the American-licensed newspaper "Tagesspiegel" ...

    Article : 76 words

    SYDNEY, Sunday. — While Bondi Club members were competing in a race to-day an eight-foot tiger shark was sighted cruising ...

    Article : 64 words

    FRANKFURT, Feb. 20. A.A.P.—At least 80,000 cases of influenza have occurred in the German State of Hesse, says the Frankfurt ...

    Article : 32 words



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