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  2. Municipal Council Proceedings.

    A meeting of this Council was held in the Court-house, yesterday ovoning. Present: The Mayor ; aldermon Brooks, Lochliead, Hender- • son, Thorn, Chapman, Stokes, Ludlow, and Bodgers. . I MINUTES. ...

    Article : 1,657 words

    A correspondent writes us as fo'Jows :-As a gold-miner, I find I have a few unoccupied evenings during the week, and I have just thought I might improve the opportunity thus afforded, by giving you a few unpublished particulars respecting Maitland Bar. I need scarcely inform you that it is on the Meroo River, and that the Meroo was one of the richest of alluvial fields in those good old ...

    Article : 1,427 words

    All holders of mining leases, that is, for tninerala other than gold, should understand that, in order to prevent forfeiture, the bal­ance of the rents for the ensuing year-no matter how recently their first year's rent (or fee for authority to select) has been paid-must ...

    Article : 688 words
  5. Rifle Hatch.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 305 words

    -Hilling Rats fob a Wagek.-Amongst the norelties for amusing the miners at Lainbton, one of themselves has hit upon a new method that is likely, for a while, to be very popular, and add considerable to the income of the shrewd, speculating collier. JVfost of the miners are more or less dog-fanciers-nearly every one keeping one of some kind, and there are all sorts, from the noble Newfoundland dog, to tho lady's pretty poodle ; but the breed mostly kopt are torriers, and not a few of them accompany their ...

    Article : 676 words

    There are, undoubtedly, two ways of doing everything, namely, a right way and a wrong one; ant1 I presume that the reception to be given to his Excellency the Governor, on the occasion of his visit to the district, will form no exception to the general rule, and that the great difficulty to be overcome will bo to strike out a line of action wherein or whereby we may best give expression to the feelings of loyalty that animate us, and at the same timo convey to his Excellency a just and lasting idea of the im­portance and resources of the district. No ...

    Article : 1,392 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,422 words



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