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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 416 words

    THE New South Wales 4 per cent. loan of £2,500,000 is to be placed on the London market to-day (Saturday). Sir George Dibbs stated on Friday that the loan ...

    Article : 172 words

    BEFORE Messrs. Clifford and Oliver ALLEGED LARCENY. Joseph Gerald Murphy, a boy (on bail), was charged with stealing a spring balance. ...

    Article : 68 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 417 words

    The Italian mail steamer has arrived at Sardinia. One hundred and forty-four of the passengers died from cholera during the voyage from Brazil. Seventeen of the passengers are still ill with cholera. ...

    Article : 39 words

    The coal-miners in Yorkshire have, by majority of 30,000, expressed themselves in favour of resuming work at the old rate of wages. The executive committee of the London Trades ...

    Article : 107 words

    In connection with the floating of the Victorian conversion loan, three-quarters of a million of the old loan was converted. ...

    Article : 26 words
  9. IN THE DEN.

    "I see," said The Parson, "that the controversy on the baptism of infants—" "Stop," interrupted Spifkins, "not another word. There's nobody here but yourself interested ...

    Article : 660 words

    GLASSON arrived at Bathurst this morning. A big crowd assembled on the platform, but no demonstration was attempted. The prisoner, who was very quiet, was conducted to the goal, heavily ...

    Article : 99 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 740 words

    The proposal to increase the capital of the Bank of New South Wales has been well received. Virtually every British shareholder is applying for the full complement of new shares, and applications have ...

    Article : 47 words

    The hares shipped to London by the steamer Marmares, of the Shaw Saville and Albion line, which sailed from Lyttelton, N.Z , on the 12th of July, are unsaleable prices being too low. ...

    Article : 41 words

    CARCOAR, Friday.—This morning the Coroner's Court reopened at half-past 10 o'clock. Daniel Davidson, labourer, residing at Blayney, in the employment of Mr. Marsden, said:—On ...

    Article : 1,040 words

    The report of the Bank of Australasia states that the description of the financial situation given in the March report applies even more forcibly to the half-year of which the account is now presented; ...

    Article : 277 words
  16. (To the Editor of the Evening Penny Post.)

    SIR,—The Rev. Mr. Holden has done good service to the cause of religion by his outspoken remarks the other day on the attendance at the so-called scored concert in the Academy of Music on Sunday ...

    Article : 614 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 80 words

    How deeply must a nation booze before it drinks itself into a state of sober and glorious prosperity? We know some people hold the idea that boozing is the outward and visible ...

    Article : 925 words
  19. No Title

    "BEHOLD your sir will find you out" is a very disturbing saying that is peculiarly applicable to the borrowing policy of this colony. Victoria has succeeded at considerable cost in ...

    Article : 1,315 words
  20. Freetrade and Land Reform.

    MR Wisk, M P., addressed a large meeting at Ba[?]main on Friday evening on the subject of "Freetrade and Land Reform," and had a most attentive bearing. In the course of his remarks ...

    Article : 329 words
  21. Mr. Alexander, P.M's, Successor.

    FRIDAY'S Government Gazette contains an announcement that William Stewart Caswell, Enquire Police Magistrate of Dubbo, has been appointed Police Magistrate of Goulburn (visiting Collector, ...

    Article : 61 words
  22. Black Diamond Minstrels.

    THE block Diamond Company, a Goulburn minstrel troupe, paid a visit to Crookwell on Friday and gave an entertainment in the Temperance Hall. The building was packed and the performers given ...

    Article : 233 words
  23. Death.

    MR. F. E . WHALLEY, draughtsman at the Goulburn Lends office, died at his residence, Brisbane Grove, on Friday morning from Bright's disease. Deceased had been in the service about ...

    Article : 75 words
  24. Poisoned on his Wedding Day.

    COOKTOWN, Friday.—Patrick Nally, a squatter, of Shepherd's Creek, staying at Reynolds' Hotel bought poison last night to kill dingoes, and was found in his bedroom this morning in great agony ...

    Article : 52 words
  25. Robbery at a Funeral.

    IN the charge Division of the Central Police Court, on Thursday, before Mr. James Giles, S.M., Mark Gainer, 25, described as an engineer, was charge with having, in company, stolen from the ...

    Article : 212 words
  26. The Palmer-Beaumont Concert Company.

    LOVERS of music should be in their element on Wednesday evening next, when the PalmerBeaumont Concert Company will appear in the Academy of Music. All the members of the ...

    Article : 87 words
  27. Sacred Concert.

    THE cantata "Ruth," which was so successfully given last week in the Wesleyan Church, is by special request, to be repeated next Tuesday evening and will be preceded by an organ recital ...

    Article : 69 words
  28. Hospital Ball.

    THE prospects of the above ball are very gratifying, and it is expected that there will be a brilliant scene at the Arcadian Rink on Thursday evening next. It is estimated that 200 couples will take the ...

    Article : 102 words
  29. Death of Mrs. Waters.

    MRS. WATERS, wife of the Rev. Chas. Waters, died at her residence, Leichhardt, on Monday night last at the age of 74. The deceased had been ailing for some time, but was well enough on ...

    Article : 68 words

    OF THOMAS EDWARD CONNOR, who died on the 1st October, 1891. I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad; ...

    Article : 49 words
  31. Presentation to Miss Bretnall.

    ON Tuesday evening in Trinity Church Lecture Hall a social tea was tendered to Miss Bretnall on the occasion of her resigning her position as organist and a teacher in the Sabbath-school in that ...

    Article : 138 words
  32. Sensational Shooting Case.

    ADELAIDE, Friday.—A man named Fred James, a recent arrival from the far North, who had been drinking heavily, shot at himself at the head four times with a revolver in ...

    Article : 166 words
  33. Hearts and Homes.

    THE concluding lecture of the series given by Mrs. Dr. Potts, entitled Hearts and Homes, or Is Marriage a Failure, was delivered on Thursday night in the Academy to a good audience of both ...

    Article : 90 words
  34. Lawn Tennis.

    THE final round of the tournament in connection with the Goulburn Lawn Tennis Club was played on Thursday afternoon on the club's new ground. The contest was a good one and resulted in a win ...

    Article : 125 words
  35. The Will of the Late Right Rev. Dr. Thomas.

    THE following cablegram, under date Thursday, has been published:—Probate was granted to-day to the will of the late Rev. Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Goulburn, New South Wales, the amount being ...

    Article : 62 words
  36. Accident

    ON Friday afternoon, whilst Mr. Bell, of Roslyn, near Crookwell, was preparing to leave this residence to attend the Crookwell Hospital Ball, he fell and sustained a fracture of the leg. ...

    Article : 60 words



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