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    Cairo, May 8.—The Egyptian Premier, Sidky Pasha, announced in the Chamber of Deputies to-day, that the Egyptian Government had decided to make armed forces and facilities for the right of passage available to the United Nations Security ...

    Article : 194 words

    Washington, May 9—Mr. Bartley Crum, one of the American representatives on the Anglo-American Palestine Inquiry Committee, ...

    Article : 273 words

    New York, May 8.—The Soviet delegate, M. Gromyko, boycotted to-day's meeting of the Security Council of U.N.O. which assembled ...

    Article : 1,015 words

    Nuremberg, May 9.—When the war crimes trial reopened this morning Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz entered the witness box. ...

    Article : 1,415 words

    London, May 8.—Reuter's Paris correspondent says it has been learned authoritatively that Mr. Bevin and M. Molotov plan to ...

    Article : 184 words

    Washington, May 9—The Senate rejected by 45 votes to 40 yesterday the proposal by Senator Mc Farland (Democrat, Arizona), ...

    Article : 331 words

    London, May 8.—The Associated Press correspondent in Rome states that a Minister of the Royal Household announced to-day that ...

    Article : 237 words

    London, May 8.—While the Egyptian situation was fully discussed by the Dominions Governments, they had not committed ...

    Article : 236 words
  10. Cause of Failure

    London, May 8.—The Paris correspondent of the "Times" writes: "Suspicion of the motives of each other's cases clearly lies behind ...

    Article : 146 words

    Cairo, May 9.—The first official session of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty talks lasted one and a quarter hours and an official joint ...

    Article : 92 words
  12. Azerbaijan's Demands

    London, May 9.—The Associated Press correspondent in Teheran says that an official of the Persian Foreign Ministry stated to-day ...

    Article : 115 words
  13. Arab Opposition

    London, May 8.—Speaking at Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), King Ibn Saud said that, after his efforts to urge the Arabs to work hand in ...

    Article : 155 words
  14. Peace Conference

    London, May 9.—When, towards the close of the Foreign Ministers' conference yesterday, Mr. James Byrnes suggested that the peace ...

    Article : 214 words
  15. British Equipment

    London, May 9.—Reuter's correspondent at Haifa states that the first shipment of heavy military equipment from Egypt, ...

    Article : 41 words
  16. Britain's Position

    London, May 9.—Speaking on the American loan to Britain at Leeds last night, Mr. L. S. Amery said the Government had taken a ...

    Article : 161 words
  17. Salvation Army

    London, May 9.—The Salvation Army High Council to-day elected Commissioner A. Orsborn to be general of the Salvation Army. He ...

    Article : 109 words
  18. The Egyptian Press

    London, May 8.—The Cairo, correspondent of the "Times" says that, with the exception of the Saadist Party's paper, "Aldustour ...

    Article : 81 words
  19. Mr. Attlee Criticised

    London, May 8.—"Mr. Attlee's reference to the Dominions' agreement during the House of Commons debate on Egypt yesterday ...

    Article : 198 words
  20. Dark Days of the War

    London, May 7.—Speaking at a luncheon after the freedom of Westminster had been conferred on him, Mr. Churchill repudiated ...

    Article : 154 words
  21. Work of Evacuation

    London, May 7.—The evacuation of Egypt is estimated to take five years largely because of the vast amount of material to be moved, ...

    Article : 163 words

    Luneburg, May 9.—The trial Off Colonel-General Karl Student, the German commander on Crete, who was captured in May, 1941, and is ...

    Article : 280 words
  23. Pope Indisposed

    London, May 8.—The Vatican radio states that the Pope has suspended all public audiences until further notice owing to slight ...

    Article : 26 words
  24. Peace Treaties

    London, May 8.—it was announced from No. 10 Downing street to-day that the Dominions Prime Ministers' conference has ...

    Article : 237 words
  25. Stalin Lauds Roosevelt

    New York, May 8.—The American Associated Press reports that in a message sent on the occasion of a dinner of the ...

    Article : 148 words
  26. The New Alliance

    London, May 9.—"Not without reason did Mr. Attlee fear that he might have misrepresented the views of the Dominions in his ...

    Article : 140 words
  27. "British Imperialism"

    London, May 8.—During last Monday's informal meeting of the Big Four Foreign Ministers, M. Molotov attacked "British 20th ...

    Article : 134 words
  28. Cairo Conference

    Cairo, May 9.—Now that Britain has publicly announced the with drawal of her forces from Egypt there remains the tasks of settling ...

    Article : 210 words
  29. Terrific Explosion

    London, May 9.—Places 12 miles away were rocked by blast when an ammunition dump, used during the war by the United States ...

    Article : 105 words
  30. Kurdish Revolt

    Teheran, May 9.—The newspaper "Arman Melli" reports fighting between the Persian army and the Kurds in Kurdistan. The report ...

    Article : 109 words
  31. Joke on Molotov

    London, May 9.—The Associated Press correspondent in Paris says that M. Molotov laughingly shook his head when, during a social ...

    Article : 86 words
  32. Churchill in Holland

    Amsterdam, May 8.—Mr. Churchill after an official welcome at the airport inspected the guard of honour and drove through packed ...

    Article : 81 words

    where otherwise designar the overseas intelligence published in the "Kalgoorlie Miner" is tranomitted to Australia by the Australian Associated ...

    Article : 30 words



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