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  2. Obituary

    The friends of Mrs. and the late Mr. Arthur T. Binder, formerly State School, teacher at Dooen North, will regret to learn that Mr. Binder died at the early age of 28 ...

    Article : 429 words
  3. District News

    Mr and Mrs James Clark, of Park, Vectis South, celebrated their silver wedding on Monday, the 17th inst, when about forty guests assembled in ...

    Article : 146 words
  4. Commercial Intelligence.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 130 words
  5. District Shows

    The Natimuk show will be held on Wednesday next, for which entries close on Saturday night. Exhibits will be received by the special train from Horsham on show morning as ...

    Article : 153 words
  6. District Grain Market

    The price of wheat locally remains at 2s 10d per bushel. [The freight from Horsham to Melbourne is 4½d per bushel. ...

    Article : 94 words
  7. Forward Temperance Movement

    Horsham is to be brought within the influence of the great forward movement now being promoted by the temperance organisations of the State. They have secured the ...

    Article : 84 words

    The plain and fancy dress ball promoted in aid of the funds of the local Football Club, was hold in the Mechanics' Hall on Friday evening, about 70 couples being ...

    Article : 375 words
  9. Melbourne Grain Market.

    Wheat. 3s 3d. Oats, milling, 2s 6d; feed, 2s 4½d. The market in Melbourne, says the Argus, remains quiet in tone. Fair supplies are ...

    Article : 123 words
  10. District Federal Contests

    The Wimmera electorate is favored with a plethora of candidates. The present representative, Mr Pharez Phillips has not made an announcement, but it is understood will seek ...

    Article : 116 words
  11. Station Produce Market.

    Goldsbrough, Mort & Co. Limited report:—Sheepskins—Merino (superior), 8¼d to 9d; crossbreds (superior), 8¾d to 9d; crossbreds, good. 8¼d to 8½d: inferior, 7¼d to 7½d; ...

    Article : 391 words
  12. An Electoral Conference

    Murtoa may be termed the "conference centre," for another of those Wimmera consultations which have been so frequent of late is to be held next Wednesday, when all ...

    Article : 100 words
  13. New South Wales Land

    I had heard and read each glowing accounts of the cheap land to be obtained in New South Wales, carrying a sheep or more to the acre, with a better ...

    Article : 701 words
  14. Working Bee

    On Wednesday afternoon about 40 footballers, cricketers, cyclists and others put in an appearance at the Recreation Reserve and dug 57 holes around the ground for tree-planting. ...

    Article : 88 words
  15. Horsham Land Board

    On Tuesday last Mr. R. McRae Stewart held a local land board at the Lands Office, when the following applications were dealt with—Quantong: 2 acres, C. Buchanan, ...

    Article : 102 words
  16. Sporting Items

    The team to represent Kalkee against Jung Jung, to be played on the former's ground to-morrow (Saturday) will is chosen from:—Giddings (3), Lawson (3) ...

    Article : 583 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,010 words
  18. Railway Excursions

    A cheap railway excursion train will be run from Wail to Murtoa, inclusive, to Melbourne, on Wednesday, October 10th, and from Hope been and Rupanyup on the 16th October. ...

    Article : 40 words
  19. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 84 words
  20. Pimpinio Branch A.N.A.

    Quite an interesting event took place at Pimpinio on Monday night last, when, in response to the, invitation of the Pimpinio branch of the Australian Natives' Association, ...

    Article : 248 words
  21. The Horsham Times.

    It may be said that all the territory affected by the present or the projected water supply to the Wimmera and Mallee was represented at Murtoa conference on Wednesday. Fifteen ...

    Article : 318 words
  22. Ararat Competitions

    The literary, musical and elocutionary competitions, organised by the Ararat A.N.A., will be held from the 2nd to the 9th November, and entries close on the 12th October. The ...

    Article : 67 words
  23. Lamb Export Trade

    The marked fall in the prices for frozen lamb in the London market, to which attention was drawn in the Commercial columns of "The Age," has very naturally caused ...

    Article : 556 words
  24. Technical Art School

    All classes at the Working Men's College, Horsham, were resumed yesterday. The next subscribers' meeting will be held on Wednesday evening next in the college building at 8 ...

    Article : 1,597 words
  25. Illustrated Lecture To-Night

    An entertainment as well as valuable information is assured in the demonstration which Mr. Cameron, Government veterinary expert, is to give in the Mechanics' Hall at Pimpinio ...

    Article : 104 words

    Our Gymbowen correspondent write:—The first shoot for the Stevewright gold medal took place on the local range lest Saturday afternoon. Only six members put in an appearance, ...

    Article : 103 words
  27. Dr. Cookson's Decease.

    The interment of the late Dr. Cookson took place yesterday, at Alexandra, where the family reside. Mr G. A. Cookson went to Sydney and had the remains conveyed to ...

    Article : 129 words
  28. The Hamilton Show

    The fifty-fourth annual show of the Hamilton Agricultural and Pastoral Society was opened on Wednesday. Mr Duffett's imported Shropshire ram ...

    Article : 114 words
  29. Parliamentary Transitions

    Mr. George Fairbairn, member of the Assembly for Toorak, has resigned his seat and announce himself as a candidate for the electorate of Fawkner for the House of ...

    Article : 46 words



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