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  2. Local News

    "SAVE US FROM OUR FRIENDS."— The Register of Saturday contained news from the colony of the Cape of Good Hope to the 9th December. It is stated that at that time ...

    Article : 1,879 words
  3. Shipping intelligence.

    APRIL 8—The cutter William, Walker, from Kar garoo Island. Passengers—Mr Purcell and two others. CargoWheat, furniture, &c., belonging to the passengers. SAILED. ...

    Article : 78 words

    Cargo of the Emma, for Sydney—155 bags salt, R. Veno; 559 bags wheat, S. Stocks & Co.; 97 ditto, H. W. Phillips; 39 ditto. G. Young; 103 ditto, A. L. Elder; 89 ditto, 96 bags flour. 1 box, J. B. Neales ...

    Article : 81 words
  5. Farmers' and Gardeners' Calendar for April.

    With the beginning of this month commence sowing wheat; if the land is moderately dry, it is always best to plough it in. Take especial care to procure good seed, free from any mixture of grass seeds, wild ...

    Article : 701 words

    WE have mislaid "A Wesleyan's" letter, and perhaps he will agree with us that it would be as well not to publich anything upon the subject at the present time. The innocent surprise of the Observer is a little funny, as he no doubt as ...

    Article : 67 words
  7. The Southern Australian.

    IT is a cheering fact that in New South Wales, after many years caltivation of the vine, the results have been found so satisfactory that the most earnest attention is now paid to it by the ...

    Article : 1,796 words

    "In the evening (says Sir Henry Pottinger) the Imperial High Commissioner Keying came, according to hts engagement, to dino with me, and after he and his two companions had made themselves comfortable by laying ...

    Article : 1,458 words

    FROM the principles laid down by Professor Johnston it would appear that there is not absolate necessity for following land, and by extracts from another publication now before as, we find ...

    Article : 1,878 words



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