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  2. Tuberculosis.

    The following observations on this subject are from the Melbourne "Leader," and are most interesting to everybody. As a rule, if tuberculous animals are well fed and well sheltered, ...

    Article : 495 words
  3. When Should a Cow be Dried.

    The period should vary with the animal, and the particular circumstances of the case for experience goes to show that hard and fast rules are impossible. It may be taken that there is not much ...

    Article : 497 words
  4. The Philosophy of Disarmament.

    I was not in a hurry to express any opinion upon the duplicity of Russian statesmen in fooling their young and gentlemanly Emperor into the publication of a proposition to the nations of Europe and ...

    Article : 965 words
  5. Grafton Police Court.

    On Tuesday, before the P.M. and Mr. W. F. Penny, J.P. John E. O'Keeffe wan summoned by Lewis M'Neill, who claimed £3 15s for wages alleged ...

    Article : 451 words

    In the dairying industry, the shares system is practired more than under cultivation or grazing. With the latter the tenant usually prefers a free hand, and by payment of a given sum ...

    Article : 705 words
  7. The Clarence River Dairymen's Association.

    The adjourned Council meeting was held at the Gratton Council Chambers on Tuesday. Present —G. H. Varley (President), D. Beatson. William M'Leod, W. Morrison, D. Baillie. T. M'Intosh ...

    Article : 1,564 words
  8. The Scrub Cow.

    "Cornstalk" says about the scrub cow—"She is to be seen around 'most anywhere,' and is like unto her father—the scrub bull. She is an automatic, self-acting, perpetual motion, ...

    Article : 260 words
  9. The Products of California.

    Mr. D. K. Dow, of Victoria, a well-known authority in agricultural affairs, has recently visited America, and gives some interesting information respecting the State of California, ...

    Article : 1,172 words
  10. CRICKET.

    ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meeting of the United C.C. was held on Tuesday; Mr. J. G Jackschon presiding. There was a fair attendant of members. The report stated that the attempt ...

    Article : 1,132 words
  11. Black Labor and sugrar.

    The Premier's proposal to protect to the extent of £3 per ton sugar grown by white labor only, is exercising the minds of N.S. Wales planters. It was represented that sugar could be grown by ...

    Article : 180 words
  12. Illawarra Milk Trade.

    The Illawarra milk trade continues in an unsatisfactory condition, and indications point to more trouble between the Sydney milk companies and the suppliers before long. In June last the F.F. ...

    Article : 914 words
  13. Aliens in Queensland.

    Queensland is becoming a home for the slien, as well as a tick-ridden country. A paper up north states that at Childers there are as many languages spoken as in the Ancient Babel. In the cane ...

    Article : 140 words
  14. Election of Land Boards.

    Mr. Haynes has obtained leave to bring in a bill to make two members of Land Boards elective. These boards have hitherto been composed of three persons—a chairman, the P.M. for the time ...

    Article : 355 words
  15. The Dairies Supervision Act.

    The deputation that interviewed the President of the Board of Health last week voiced the sentiments of hundreds of dairymen with respect to the Act, Some of the provisions of this enactment ...

    Article : 587 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,964 words



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