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  2. The Naval Depot.

    The question as to whether Sydney shall continue to be the principal station for the Imperias naval, forces in these waters has cropped up in a very disagreeable manner. It has arisen ...

    Article : 519 words
  3. Country Notes.

    A cricketers' ball was held on the evening of March 1 in Mr.T. Anderson's woolshed, Macquarie River. The affair was successfully carried out; and a most enjoyable evening spent by all present. The shed ...

    Article : 754 words
  4. Sydney Social Life.

    Matters are still dull in social circles; and, as the lenten term is on, no move will be made until after Easter, when everything will tend to gaiety and brightness. They various fashionable assembly ...

    Article : 716 words
  5. Dresses at Flemington.

    Among the pretty costumes worn on the first day of the autumn meeting at Flemington wore the following: Mrs. Edward Miller, handsome and attractive toilette of pale snakegreen moire and dark ...

    Article : 343 words
  6. My Question Box.

    Darlinghurst—1. Boil 21b of pure garden honey in fgal of water. Skim well while boiling; and when cool enough pour into a gallon jar, and cover for about three days, when it will be fit for use. 2. ...

    Article : 755 words
  7. The Murray River.

    A great deal has been said and written about the ownership of the water in the River Murray, and the right of our Victorian neighbors to use it. The original question of ownership of the ...

    Article : 558 words
  8. Wedding Favors.

    "Stoneleigh," the residence of Mr. H. B. Fitzhardinge (Mayor of Wagga Wagga) was on March 5 the scene of a pretty wedding, when that gentloman's only daughter was united to Dr. St. Clair Long. The ...

    Article : 1,662 words
  9. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 68 words



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