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  2. For the Children.

    My boy thinks I can do all thingsAt least that's what he says. Sometimes he sets a task for me That truly much dismays. ...

    Article : 178 words
  3. Prohibitive Railway Freights.

    FORBES, January 5— At a representative public meeting held here to protest against branch line rates being charged on the Molong to Forbes railway the following resolutions were carried ...

    Article : 537 words
  4. A Song of Summer.

    The summer time has come at last, When all the earth is fair, And bees and wasps and grasshoppers Are flying through the air. ...

    Article : 213 words
  5. A Queer Taste.

    It is hard enough for us sometimes to explain to people who do not like olives and other edibles of a like nature why we like them, but how much harder would it be to explain why the Emperor of ...

    Article : 215 words
  6. Literary and Theatrical.

    Mr. Swinburne contributes to the NINETEENTH CENTURY for December his recollections of Professor Jowett, between whom and the poet an intimacy of many years subsisted. Another sketch ...

    Article : 1,359 words
  7. Eccentricities of Famous People.

    Boys and girls are not the only members of the human race that have their little queernesses. Some of the greatest men the world has known have had the queerest habits, habits alongside of ...

    Article : 565 words
  8. Population of Victoria.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 359 words
  9. The Kiama Boating Fatality.

    KIAMA, January 4— The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Honey took place yesterday after noon, in the presence of a very large assemblage of sympathising friends and relatives. The ...

    Article : 318 words



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