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    We, the united body of Free and Accetel Masons of New South Wales, beg leave to approach your Excellency on your retirement from this Government with the faithful assurance of our ...

    Article : 350 words
  3. Shipping Intelligence.

    For Launceston, on thursday last, the drig William, Captain Thom, with sunciries. For Newcastle, same evening, the steamers Tamar and Sophia Jane. ...

    Article : 76 words
  4. Calendar for the ensuing Week.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 64 words
  5. Diurnal Meteorological Table.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 76 words
  6. Higb Water in Sydney Cove.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 40 words

    We the unders gned free Inhabitants, Elden and Committee of the Sydney Synagogue, [?] Members of the Israehtish faith, heing desirous of convincing your Excellency of the bigh opinio[?] ...

    Article : 443 words
  8. Motloe to Correspondents.

    Vinder and Fair Play are both refused insertion— owing to their communications having been for warded to us through the twopenny post—confound them! ...

    Article : 69 words

    The last vessel from Hobart Town has put us in possession of Van Dieman's Land papers to the 25th November inclusive. By these we lean the arrival ...

    Article : 3,130 words

    MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY—We, the Presbytery of New South Waled, connected with Established Church of Scotland, do ourselves the honour to present to your Excellency our united ...

    Article : 556 words
  11. The Lord Bishop of Australia.

    Some sagacious men in the sister Colony, as well as in this, have for some time past been ridiculing the pretensions of our worthy Bishop Broughton to the ...

    Article : 3,319 words



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