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    SIR,—Although English papers have freely lectured the ladies of the day we are not aware that the poet of Australia has yet had the temerity to take them in hand; yet Australia is famed for the beauty of her ...

    Article : 1,262 words

    Tho drooping willows whispor soft, tho sedges murmur low, The wator-llllios white unveil their breasts of gleaming snow; The kingfisher, a living gera, flits like A meteor by, The sun goes down, the star of eve upriseth in the sky. ...

    Article : 277 words
  4. Dramatic and Musical Review.

    "Justice always whirls In equal measure."—LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. HAS not the great contrast struok you, on seeing Mr. Mathews in conjunction with other aotors, how very ...

    Article : 1,827 words
  5. Household Recipes.

    THE following plan has been recommended as most efficient for preventing the ravages of insects upon trees and flowers:—Mix nine parts of water with one part of French vinegar, and sprinkle the mixturo over the ...

    Article : 374 words
  6. Facetiae.

    RECIPE TO AVOID DRAFTS.—Don't take any. SOOTABIIE.—Chimney-sweopiug must be an agreeable business for it soots every body who tries it. GOOD TEACHER.—Railways teach every man to know ...

    Article : 754 words
  7. Rebus or Riddle.

    THE following has lately boen going the round of the English papers, and seems to have sorely puzzled the young folks who take an interest in such matters. Can any of our readers favour us with a solution in verse? ...

    Article : 636 words



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