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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 326 words
  3. The Power Required to Keep Electric Lamps Alight.

    Recently we have taken occasion, more than once, to point out that the steam power (or gas engine power) required to keep up a perpetual light from electric lamps, is much greater than persons ...

    Article : 1,399 words
  4. Waterloo Bridge Strengthened.

    Although the Thames is never subjected to the imp[?]tuous travel of flood water, such aa we have all seen go past us at the Belmore Bridge over the Hunter, yet it has a danger which we do not suffer ...

    Article : 491 words

    That same evening found Kalph Moulton and Lis uncle again seated in their room at the inn, engaged in earnest conversation, while the same eager listener[?] Ronald Edgerton, was within the closet, to devour ...

    Article : 8,178 words
  6. East Maitland Borough Couucil.

    The usual fortnightly meeting of the above Council was held in the Council Chamber, Mechanics' Institute, Banks-street, on Wednesday evening. There were present—The ...

    Article : 1,979 words

    At Bundarra, on the 27th day of June, 1883, from Toryburn, by Mr. R. Blaxland; sum due at date of notice, 12s each:- Chestnut mare, like [?]F (conjoined) near shoulder, ...

    Article : 437 words
  8. West Maitland Police Court.

    DRUNKENNESS.—One individual was convicted of the above offence, and was ordered to forfeit 2[?] 6d with the alternative of spending twenty-four hours in the lock-up ...

    Article : 223 words
  9. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 137 words



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