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    Sir,--In reading your issues for the last week, see that in our city we have in St David and St James, and other writers and speakers, a fearful display of the absence of knowledge of and statements ...

    Article : 2,518 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 554 words
  4. Our Defences

    Sir,--As to the possibility of shelling Sydney from the sea it need only be pointed out that from Dismond Bay the distance to the heart of Sydney is rather under three and a quarter miles in a line ...

    Article : 576 words
  5. Psuedo- Politicians.

    Sir,--Daring the past months many aspirants to political distinction have arisen, and in placing their ideas on the leading questions of the day before the public, have so glaringly appropriated to their own ...

    Article : 785 words
  6. England, Russia, aud Australia.

    Sir,--When the first spark of news was wafted across the ocean, having for its import the intimation that the relation between England and Russia were becoming somewhat strained. Australians took little ...

    Article : 1,298 words
  7. Sunday- Trading.

    Sir,--May I inquire through your columns if it is generally known that drink is being supplied to the public on the Sabbath in spite of prohibitory laws ? Shall this state of affairs exist? Surely six days of ...

    Article : 157 words
  8. A Colonial Invasion.

    Sir,--Referring to the letter of " Eacalyptos" in your issue of the 26th instant, there is no doubt that the rabbits are extending fast into the interior of the colony, and I would suggest as the most practical ...

    Article : 125 words
  9. Inadequate Railway Accommodation.

    Sir,-- As a constant reader of the " Telegraph," I beg the space of a few lines in your columns to deprecate the present unsystematical and obnoxious manner in which the passenger traffic is conducted ...

    Article : 224 words
  10. The Tramways.

    Sir,--Meetings have been held, the Minister deputionised, suggestions made, &c.; and still our tramways move along in the old groove. The Minister has been taken to task for the ...

    Article : 386 words
  11. Government Contractors and Arbitration.

    Sir,--Your correspondent," Arma," in his letter published 28th instant has given undue prominence to the subject of estimating quantities, and by using the words Government contractors ...

    Article : 534 words
  12. Boys' Reformatory, Rookwood

    Sir,-- Will you allow me, in the name of all the labourers employed on the above works, to emphatically deny the assertions contained in your correspondent's letter of the 22nd, that we are satisfied ...

    Article : 174 words
  13. Leichhardt and Camperdown Trams.

    Sir,--At the last meeting of the Camperdown Municipal Council a letter was read from the Minister for Works asking that body to make proposals with reference to the sections of the ...

    Article : 434 words
  14. Sanitary Civilisation.

    Sir,--Happening to stroll this afternoon into the new building, now in process of constriction, which has to become our future National Art Gallery, I was struck, while considering the planning of it, with ...

    Article : 376 words
  15. Our Chameleon Railway Policy

    Sir,--It must be confessed that there are many other important questions fleeting the future destiny and well-being of this colony at the present time which require equally as much careful consideration ...

    Article : 1,595 words



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