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  2. Nixon's complaint: pulling out of one war and into another

    PRESIDENT NIXON'S much-trumpeted withdrawal of US forces from Cambodia on June 30 does not mean that he ended a war. It means that he has ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,125 words
  3. Final phase in saga of human face socialism?

    LAST MONTH'S expulsion of Alexander Dubcek from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia can only deepen the concern felt by socialists for the situation in that country. As the general secretary of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 437 words
  4. Tories as bankrupt as Wilson on N. Ireland

    THE RENEWED bloodshed in Northern Ireland following the jailing of Bernadette Devlin highlights once again the political and social oppression of the Irish people in their divided country. Miss Devlin was sentenced ...

    Article : 363 words
  5. Gift for Marx's grave

    THE NATIONAL Secretary of the Communist Party of Australia, Mr. Laurie Aarons, has received a letter of thanks from the Marx Monument Restoration Fund for a donation made by delegates to the Easter Congress of the CPA towards ...

    Article : 139 words



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