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    The New York Jockey club and other organisations have decided to bring racing to an end on August 31st, when the betting laws become effective. ...

    Article : 100 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,031 words
  4. Plague at Odessa

    News, which has just been received from Odessa, on the Black Sea, states that the authorities there are taking steps to stamp out plague ...

    Article : 62 words
  5. Explosion on a Torpedo

    A serious explosion occurred aboard a Russian torpedo boat at Kronstadt yesterday. Six men were killed and fourteen ...

    Article : 33 words
  6. Anti-American Boycott

    Advices from the Far East state that the anti-American boycott, has been revived at Canton, and that telegrams have been sent to Chinese ...

    Article : 44 words
  7. Declaration Oath Bill

    In the House of Lords yesterday, the third reading of the Bill providing for an alteration in the Accession Declaration was agreed to. ...

    Article : 39 words
  8. Colliery Disaster Heroes

    King George to-day bestowed medals on a number of persons. Among the recipients were the men who made heroic attempts to rescue the entombed ...

    Article : 54 words
  9. Aeropianing

    M. Henri Farman, the famous French aviator, has made an aeroplane flight, carrying three passengers. [?] ascended at Nourmelon, in the Marne ...

    Article : 32 words
  10. Bombs From Balloons

    Some valuable experiments with balloons have been carried out by the British military officers. Flying over the Thames at a speed ...

    Article : 64 words
  11. Czar and Kaiser

    The Czar and Czarina of Russia have arranged to pay a visit this month to Darmstadt, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, of which the brother ...

    Article : 74 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 78 words



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