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    CARLTON is variously described as an outskirt, a suburb, and an outlying district of city. It has not a mayor of its own, is without a local body in the shape of a ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 712 words

    I WOULD that I were JONES—that's flat— The chosen of West Ballarat; He can with " tip" each pocket line, I would then that his lot were mine. ...

    Article : 174 words
  4. Not bad for George.

    AT the meeting of the Old Colonists Self-Glorification Society, Mr GEORGE COPPIN is reported to have said that they (the old colonists) should advertise themselves more. This is certainly friend GEORGE'S latest move, and most likely will turn out more successful than his ...

    Article : 58 words
  5. A Heal Grievance.

    DEAR PUNCH—Here have I been for years attending trapeze performances waiting for the inevitable accident. I have expended sums of money in attending theatres, waiting patiently for expected casualty, and was at my post last week at the Duke of ...

    Article : 98 words
  6. A Question Solved.

    IT has been stated that the Coming Man will arrive upon a velocipede. As there are numerous accidents with these machines, the Coming Man may perhaps come to grief. ...

    Article : 32 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 39 words
  8. A Practical Tailor.

    A TAILOR, named RUSHBROOKE, sets a good example to Melbourne tradesmen by advertising that he closes his shop at six o'clock, and at two o'clock on Saturdays. Mr. PUNCH hopes that so spirited an act will soon be copied by all other shopkeepers. Practise is better ...

    Article : 55 words
  9. The Ruling Passion;

    A MUSICAL friend of ours eats his meals with a tuning-fork. A draper that we deal with always eats ging-hams, and builds with cam-brics. There is a man at Spring Creek that digs with a shovel hat. Our dairyman butters his bread upon both sides, and a ...

    Article : 57 words
  10. Very like a Whale.

    A STAUNCH teetotaller in England is agitating for the destruction of bottle-nose whales, and in order to convert the fish from their drinking propensities, has engaged the services of a whale that spouts. ...

    Article : 73 words
  11. Is it possible ?

    RUMOUR says (but then she is such an awful story-teller) that Mr. WALTER MONTGOMERY has some apologists amongst the members of the Press. If he has, they must be of the BLAIR genus, and not the kind of people that gentlemen care to associate with. But there is ...

    Article : 67 words



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