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  2. Starving Horses.

    A TRAVELLER from New Zealand relates that the scarcity of horse-feed was so great, that the horses had nothing to eat but old gin-cases, left at deserted gold-fields. Without disparaging the veracity of this traveller, we know several persons who have seen a horse fly; ...

    Article : 97 words
  3. SNAPS.

    MADAME or Miss—most sweet and gentle Briton— Your Letter duly came. 'Tis a fair hand; And whiter than the paper which 'tis writ on Is the fair hand which writ. (You understand, ...

    Article : 549 words
  4. A Kid among the Lambs.

    A PRECOCIOUS larrikin of the Black Brunswick tribe, aged 9 years, is said to be charged with sheep-stealing. This kid seems to have been acting the part of a wolf in the flock, by appropriating two lambs, for which a warrant has been issued against him. We can predict ...

    Article : 78 words
  5. Robbing a Judge,

    ROBBING a church is said to be one of the worst crimes in the catalogue, but Mr. WORSDEL seems to have done a deal [?]orse in stealing the Chief Justice's horse, for which he has since been convicted. A good job too. ...

    Article : 45 words
  6. Barbarous.

    WE learn that a barber advertises that he will attend for the purpose of practising his profession every court day at Coleraine. Is it in order that the attendants at the Court may present as barefaced an appearance as possible, or display an extra amount of cheek? Or ...

    Article : 60 words
  7. Clerical Scandal.

    THE Rev. Mr. SMYTH, of New York, has been censured because he invited six members of the Press to lunch after church. What a righteous place New York must be, and how thankful we ought to feel that our colony has not as yet been troubled with any scandal ...

    Article : 56 words

    BISHOP PERRY evidently has a poor opinion of our soil and climate. He has lately written a letter to the Church of England Messenger upon the subject of drunkenness, and although he takes rather a favourable view of that vice, and doesn't believe in its permanent ...

    Article : 470 words



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