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    A WOMAN who alleged that she had been given "under duress" penicillin with a hypodermic syringe, sought £2000 damages in the Supreme Court yesterday. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 486 words

    BOWEN representative of the Stevedoring Industry Board (Mr. J. Feeney) said last night that he would "box on" with the "so-called reactionary faction" on the Bowen ...

    Article : 570 words
  4. Qld. Board baulked

    EFFORTS by the Queensland Coal Board to improve State coal production and mining ...

    Article : 363 words
  5. Show traffic control

    Brisbane police intend to make Exhibition week traffic safe and free from congestion. ...

    Article : 275 words

    A former policeman who won the King's Medal for bravery died in Brisbane yesterday. ...

    Article : 152 words
  7. Could ruin Sydney by one bomb

    SYDNEY, Monday.—An atom bomb exploded 2000 feet above Sydney would kill about 50,000 ...

    Article : 328 words
  8. "Australia is poor, dry area"

    Australia was "a poor, dry country living on the fringes," Professor W. A. Albrecht said in Brisbane ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 255 words

    AT SEA, Monday.—Because of unfavourable conditions, only 44 of the scheduled 100 flights from the air-craft carrier H.M.A.S. Sydney look place to-day. After the 44 take-offs and ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 206 words
  10. 'Sea of dry grass great menace'

    COUNTRY centres are mobilising to prepare for the threat of Queensland's greatest bushfire menace. This was stated yesterday by the Rural Fires Board secretary (Mr. R. P. Healy). ...

    Article : 275 words
  11. State House opens to-day

    Leaders of all sections of the community will watch the Governor (Sir John Lavarack) officially open the ...

    Article : 127 words

    Police hove asked children to help them in their Belvedere Hotel safe robbery investigations. ...

    Article : 150 words
  13. One year's toll

    AS many as 871 people have been killed in a year in Australia by falls, according to the National Safety ...

    Article : 154 words
  14. Bookmaker's £15 bail forfeited

    Harry Weld, 58, bookmaker, failed to appear in the Police Court yesterday, on a charge of having been found under the ...

    Article : 108 words
  15. Aid. Kerr for Kurilpa?

    Aid. J. S. Kerr, of the Brisbane City Council, will be a candidate for Liberal selection to contest the Kurilpa ...

    Article : 136 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 117 words
  17. 5 Shops bought

    The Brisbane Club, at present located in Adelaide Street, has bought five small shops in Edward Street, next to Robert ...

    Article : 37 words
  18. Snow stock Joss

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—Thousands of head of sheep and cattle have been killed in the most widespread snowfall ...

    Article : 29 words
  19. Wage case to continue

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—Hearing the union's claim for a £10 a week basic wage during the national coal strike ...

    Article : 188 words

    TWO South Brisbane men were alleged in the Police Court yesterday to have told detectives they were "mugs" to have bought stolen goods. Both wore committed to ...

    Article : 275 words
  21. Urges licence for builders

    Many building repairs were being made by inexperienced builders, the Property Owners' Association president (Mr. H. ...

    Article : 108 words
  22. 2 Girls had burglar kit

    A pair of white gloves, a jemmy, and a torch were exhibits in a shopbreaking charge against two girls in ...

    Article : 150 words
  23. State relief pay rise

    Payments to people receiving State relief assistance would be increased from Friday the Labour Minister (Mr. ...

    Article : 144 words
  24. Two fishermen in all-night ordeal

    TOWNSVILLE, Monday.—Two Townsville fishermen spent a whole night clinging to a mast waist-deep in water ...

    Article : 99 words
  25. Cyclist and wife hurt in collision

    A motor cyclist and his wife, who was riding pillion, were injured when their machine and a truck collided in Coronation ...

    Article : 75 words

    H.M.A.S. Australia's crew will have plenty of sport here next week, but apparently little private hospitality. ...

    Article : 110 words
  27. Pillion rider dies

    TOWNSVILLE, Monday.—Marty Grogan, 25, single, was killed, and Ronnie Campbell. 25, single, severely injured ...

    Article : 55 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 140 words
  29. £14m. disposals

    A total of £14 million has been received from disposal sales in Queensland since the inception of the ...

    Article : 59 words
  30. Q'ld. 'the queen'

    Queensland was "queen of the Australian States," Mr. A. S. Bedi, of India, who is a United Nations Week visitor, said last ...

    Article : 58 words
  31. Car hits woman

    Allison Dale, 57, single, of Cavendish Road, Holland Park, suffered abrasions to the forehead and knees, when she was ...

    Article : 50 words
  32. Tram extension

    The new tram double-track extension from Newmarket to Wardell Street, Enoggera, will be officially opened on ...

    Article : 51 words

    PLANES landing at Eagle Farm aerodrome yesterday flew through a thick smoke haze caused by burning grass. Civil Aviation officials were burning off to enlarge the aerodrome. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 58 words
  34. Answer Sharpley

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—Mr. R. R. Sholl, K.C., assisting the Commission into communism in Victoria, announced just before ...

    Article : 52 words
  35. Taws title next

    GRAFTON, Monday.—The British Board of Marbles Control has granted the City of Grafton permission to ...

    Article : 45 words
  36. Customs moving

    Brisbane Customs staff would move back to Petrie Bight from temporary offices in Ann Street in December, the Acting ...

    Article : 31 words
  37. 'Red doctors in

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—About 50 doctors were co-operating with the Federal Government in the national ...

    Article : 45 words
  38. New church link

    ROCKHAMPTON, Monday.—A public meeting to-night decided to form a regional branch of the World Council of ...

    Article : 40 words
  39. Rent squeeze on

    SYDNEY, Monday.—Many workless people had received eviction notices for arrears of rent or final notices to pay ...

    Article : 31 words
  40. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 37 words
  41. Militia must pay

    CANBERRA, Monday.—As money earned by members of the Citizen Military Forces was income in the form of payment ...

    Article : 42 words
  42. 8 Seamen gaoled

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—Eight seamen from the Haligonian Duke were sentenced to a week's gaol by Mr. Wade, S.M. ...

    Article : 38 words



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