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  2. The Very Latest

    The authorities of Natal have, it is announced, provided sufficient material to rebuild all the railway bridges which are in danger of being destroyed by the Boers, one ...

    Article : 277 words
  3. Posts and Telegraphs.

    The report of the Postmaster-General (Hon. W. H. Wilson) is to hand. With reference to telephones, during the year not fewer than ...

    Article : 1,037 words
  4. Police Commission.

    The Royal Police Commission continued its sittings at the police headquarters, Treasury Buildings, this morning, his honour Judge Noel presiding. Commissioners ...

    Article : 240 words

    Reports from the Transvaal show that the Boers are disappointed at the small number of Afrikanders in Cape Colony who have rallied to their support in the dispute with Great ...

    Article : 788 words

    Mrs. Moloney, a very old resident, died on Saturday from heart disease. She leaves a family of four, Mrs. W. J. Armstrong (Brisbane), one unmarried daughter, and two ...

    Article : 48 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 193 words

    The Speaker of the Assembly (Sir Joseph Abbott), who is suffering from influenza and bronchitis, is much better, and he hopes that in a few days he will be able to get about ...

    Article : 258 words
  9. Employees' Picnic.

    A very pleasant picnic was held on Saturday by the employees of Mr. T. C. Dixon, boot manufacturer, Hill End. About 200 of the employees and their friends journeyed to ...

    Article : 311 words

    Allinga, s., is due at Cairns to-day from Melbourne, via ports. She is timed to leave on her return trip on Wednesday. Ancenis, barque, left Sydney yesterday for ...

    Article : 1,238 words
  11. Tinned Meats.

    As has before been stated, the Premier (the Hon. J. R. Dickson) on seeing the cablegram published a few days ago with reference to the large quantity ...

    Article : 113 words

    It has been reported to the police that a plot was made by some of the prisoners in Pentridge to rob the Betbanga gold escort, and precautions have been taken accordingly. ...

    Article : 99 words
  13. Steamer Waikato.

    The steamer Waikato has been towed into Fremantle by the steamer Asloun. ...

    Article : 20 words
  14. Black Alpaca Skirts.

    Neat patterns, fast colours, splendid cut, and remarkably cheap at 6s. 11d. Carew, Gardner, and Billington. ...

    Article : 19 words

    On Saturday Mr. C. M. Bagot died from the effects of pneumonia supervening upon influenza. He was one of the surveyors engaged on the overland telegraph line, and ...

    Article : 42 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 601 words
  17. Darling Downs Frost.

    At the instance, of the Secretary for Agriculture, the Premier (the Hon. J. R. Dickson) telegraphed on Friday last to the Agent-General in London, ...

    Article : 123 words
  18. Queensland Troops.

    Lieutenant-colonel Ricardo, Lieutenant colonel Aytoun, and Lieutenant colonel Thomson, P. M. O., and other officers have visited Mceandah for the purpose of ...

    Article : 249 words

    The Immigration Restriction Bill, on the lines of the Natal Act, passed its second reading in the New Zealand House of Representatives without division. ...

    Article : 51 words
  20. Federal Parliament.

    It has been decided by the Government that steps be taken at once to divide the colony into electorates for the purpose of taking a poll for the election of ...

    Article : 82 words
  21. " Bow Bells " Are Silent.

    Cracks in the Tower. "I do not know," Says the Great Bell of Bow. So run the words of the old rhyme, but ...

    Article : 541 words
  22. Trouble at Kalgoorlie.

    A grave situation exists at Kalgoorlie where the miners, in defiance of an order of the Supreme Court, express their determination to remove ore from certain claims on mining ...

    Article : 54 words
  23. Commonwealth Bill.

    The Premier recently communicated with the other Australian Premiers and asked if they would join him in a request to the home Government that the Commonwealth ...

    Article : 320 words
  24. More N. S. W. Lancers.

    It is understood that Major-general French will recommend the despatch from New South Wales of a battery of field artillery and another 25 troopers to reinforce the lancer ...

    Article : 40 words
  25. West Australia Contingent.

    The West Australian contingent for the Transvaal will be under the command probably of Captain Moore, of Albany Fort, and will include three subalterns. It has been ...

    Article : 66 words
  26. The Lodgeroom.

    BRISBANE PAST GRANDS' LODGE.—This lodge held its monthly meeting last Friday evening in the M. U. Hall, Charlotte street. There was a good attendance of members. ...

    Article : 66 words
  27. New Zealand Troops.

    A number of men from the Permanent Artillery will probably form part of the Transvaal contingent. There is no lack of volunteers. ...

    Article : 28 words
  28. America Cup.

    A third attempt was made on Saturday to sail the first event of the race for the America Cup between the yachts Shamrock and Columbia, but with no more success than on ...

    Article : 73 words
  29. Bubonic Plague.

    The plague now raging abroad, as described at the Sanitary Congress at Southampton on August 31 (says the Daily Mail), differs from the old plague in being a travelling ...

    Article : 291 words
  30. Pure Indigo Serges.

    A solid reputation for these goods has been built by Charles Gilbert, the leading tailor, who has just opened a splendid range, including tropical weights for summer wear, from ...

    Article : 51 words
  31. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 117 words
  32. Germanised English Proverbs

    All's vell dot end's vell, but some dings iss beddor as vell. Vhen a voomans schmiles look oudt; but vhen she cries look more oudt. ...

    Article : 261 words
  33. America Clip Yachts.

    A New York telegram to the Daily Mail, dated August 27, says: Mr. Iselin and other prominent yachtsmen, as well as the general public, are highly pleased by Sir Thomas ...

    Article : 222 words
  34. British Trade.

    The Board of Trade returns for September show that the value of the imports into Great Britain increased by £3,163,591 as compared with the corresponding period of ...

    Article : 57 words
  35. Reserve at Enoggera.

    A deputation, consisting of Messrs. R. W. Thurlow and A. O. Grant, Crs. R. M' Cook and S. White (Ithaca Shire Council), and Mr. M. A. Harris (clerk of Ithaca Shire Council), ...

    Article : 126 words
  36. In the Showrooms

    At Finney, Isles, and Co. we find style the very latest, quality the best, and prices that defy competition. See those cool, smart, serviceable, coloured underskirts, trimmed ...

    Article : 65 words
  37. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 6 words
  38. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 6 words



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