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  2. Election Intelligence.

    Mr Amott addressed a well-attended meeting, considering the inclemency of the weather, at St. John’s Schoolroom, Goulburn street, last evening. Mr Geo. ...

    Article : 4,610 words

    Mina, brig:, 258 tons. Captain W. McArthur, from Lyttleton, New Zealand. Cargo—10,000 bushels wheat. Agents— Facy and Fisher. ...

    Article : 786 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 266 words
  5. Mr. Fitzgerald on Retiring.

    AFTER the vote of confidence in him was adopted last night, Mr Fitzgerald said : I should like to mention one miller before we separate. There are two or ...

    Article : 385 words
  6. MAILS.

    ENGLAND, CONTINENT OF EUROPE, INDIA, CHINA, ETC.—Per Messageries line, about 14th prox. Per Orient line, 31st inst. Per P. and O. line, this morning. ...

    Article : 185 words

    Mr A. Crisp addressed a meeting of the electors of North Hobart in the Trinity Hill Schoolroom last evening. The attendance, considering the iiie'e? meat sla'e cf the weather, was very good. Mr D. F. Kemp was voted to the cliqir, and he briefly introduced tlie can* didate, In doing so lie said that Mr Crisp's political opinions were essoatially broad and liberal, aud good for the colony.Mr Crisp, who was received with great applause, said that if returned he would go into tbe House to represent and serve all cUsfce?, end tbe pu^liq generally. He wii a Government cBi^di^atc-TfbeRr, bear, oqd^ applause) — end said that he, if returned, would go for measures, end not for xm-u. I t had been said that he was a relative of one of the Ministers, aud to this he also gave an emphatic dotritl. In tho council he thought ib%t lie hod done the best he cqald—(hear, hear)—for the good of lbp colony, and it tbe pioplc were pleased with him—applause)—he hoped that they would rally ^ound him, and send him into the House, (Renewed applause.) Some people hod ■said—‘•‘Vyhy did he not ajly himself (q either the Government or tbe Opposition?” but to thin he would say .(bathe would not ally himself to any party. No matter from what aide of the House measures .cmauated he would veto ;hb ho thought would be best for the colony. Reforring to triennial Pariiar mentsho said that he was. in favor of them because if a member did his constituents justice, they wqqld return again. I t had'.heap m (4 that hftiras q young man, and top young tq eo(et Parliament.—(A voice; Sot at jlII/'—■ but if a man were not capable of knowing right from wrong a t the age o f. 13 years be would never be any good at all, (Hear, h ea r) He did not believe ia raimpoaition of the meat tax. but lf r#n turned h« would endpavc-r to make living &s chegp as pojjsibta berp/in Tasmania. Referring to. the Building Acl,~h#fifyj^ that in tlie council hp opposed jt, bill only one supported, aod Pt fours*' minority had to b**?* 'in ‘ue ioiltv *^vuewilloHUeina. 3 *.?* —>Jiad Ublcd and carried a motion ...

    Article : 1,177 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 50 words

    A very successful concert was given by the newly formed troupe of local minstrels at "Glen Rae." Wattle Hill on Friday evening last. The attendance ...

    Article : 438 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 words
  11. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 79 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 256 words
  13. T O C O a n U S P O N E E K T S *

    P. J. Ahearne.— Your best plan would be to lodge a complaint with the detective's superiors. " South Hobart Elector."— As we have ...

    Article : 69 words

    IT has been truly said that "the superiority of some men is merely local; they are great, because their associates are little." Viewed in this ...

    Article : 1,078 words

    CORRECTION.—The utter[?] of President Lincoln, which Mr A. I. Clark quoted in his speech on Monday night, should have end ; —"I am nothing, and ...

    Article : 615 words



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