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  2. An Amazing City

    THE LIFE OF ANY GREAT, CITY THROBS WITH A PULSE ALL ITS own. It draws to itself the life of the nation and at the same time sets the pace for its contemporaries. Great cities through the ages have revealed the passing show of civilisation--bringing within the space of a ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 858 words
  3. Nazis and Appeasers: Sir Lewis Namier's Indictment

    SINCE THE WAR, IT HAS BEEN ONE OF THE CHIEF DELIGHTS OF. the Professor of Modern History in the University of Manchester to whisk the penitential sackcloth, or other disguise, off former Nazis. "In the Nazi Era" (Macmillan: Australian price 16) shows . Sir Lewis Namier at the ...

    Article : 933 words

    IT IS IN A SHADY WOOD NEAR DULWICH. WITH HANDS LINKED behind his buck and head bowed in serious thought, Robert Browning, a young fellow in the twenties, is cogitating an idea that has just taken complete possession of his mind. By F.W.B. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 911 words
  5. The Buried World of Yesteryear: Thrills of Anticruity

    MAX ADELES USED TO SAY THAT, SPEAKING GENERALLY, scientists are very fine fellows; but he drew the line at archaeologists. "Why can't they let bygones be bygones ?" he demanded. There is, however, something to be Said on the other side. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 898 words

    SUPPOSE THAT A GREAT MANY MORE PEOPLE MUST BE READING history than used to be the case, judging from the number of professional, semipopular and popular hooks upon the subject that is constantly being given to the world. Evidently history is ceasing to be regarded as a dull field of study for ...

    Article : 996 words
  7. No title

    The Valley of Kings, which contained the tombs of Tutankhamen and of Ramses VI. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 15 words



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