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    SIR THOMAS M'ILWRAITH, the leader of "Her Majesty's Opposition" in this portion of her dominions, has gone up north and west on a pleasure trip doing a little business by the ...

    Article : 2,097 words
  3. A Wonderful Substance.

    AMONG the most interesting developments which have followed in the wake of the discovery of petroleum is the immense trade which sprung up in ozokerit. No fairer substance ...

    Article : 571 words
  4. Commercial.

    NOTHING of importance has taken place in commercial circles during the past week), and things, generally speaking, have been flat, although perhaps not unprofitable. Still on ...

    Article : 1,455 words
  5. Mackay.

    THE weather of late has been particularly mild for the time of year, when the wet season is generally at its heaviest stage ; of course it has been highly favourable to the planting ...

    Article : 226 words
  6. Miscellaneous Items.

    THE "AGE" and MR. DALLEY.—Somebody has said an Irishman is not so much a master of oratory as oratory is the master of an Irishman; and the witticism must come almost ...

    Article : 2,344 words
  7. Late Telegrams.

    In the Legislative Council last night the plans for the extension of the northern railway to the Queensland border were laid upon the table and approved of. The Indemnity Bill ...

    Article : 1,345 words
  8. Herberton.

    THE District Court commenced its sittings on Monday, before Judge Noel. Mr. Daly officiating as Crown Prosecutor. Mr. Milford. from Cairns, was also present. There were ...

    Article : 771 words
  9. Unconsidered Trifles.

    So the dear old bishop is going, or gone, for by the time these lines will be before you he will be on the dancing waves. And now that he has finally departed I should like to ask a ...

    Article : 886 words



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