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  2. GERMANY. England and Germany.

    The Frankfort Zeitung Writes:—Germany desires an understanding with England, because neither is able to destroy nor ignore the other; but England is not ...

    Article : 84 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 107 words
  4. Will Peace Be Discussed?

    The Home Secretary (Sir George Cave), the Minister in Charge of Prisoners of War (Lord Newton), and the Director of Prisoners of War (Lieut.-Gen, Sir H. E. ...

    Article : 204 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,069 words
  6. Hun Airman Decorated.

    The Kaiser has decorated Capt. Koehl, a German aerial champion, who has partieipated in many raids on London and Paris. ...

    Article : 30 words
  7. Hertcling's "Startling" Speech.

    The Echo de Paris states that the German Imperial Chancellor (Count Herdling) is expected to contribute to the "peace offensive" by a startling speech in the ...

    Article : 37 words

    The Dutch hospital ship Koningin Refentes has been mined and sunk in the forth Sea. The vessel was carrying the British delegation to the conference on ...

    Article : 58 words
  9. RUSSIA. Germans Fear Rupture.

    News from Russia indicates that the position continues to show the utmost uncertainty and disorder. The Petrograd correspondents are silent. Nothing is known ...

    Article : 85 words
  10. "Home Rule for Alsace."

    The proposal of the Berlin Reichstag to compensate citizens arrested in Alsace and Lorraine has caused excited debate on the activity of German militarists. ...

    Article : 84 words
  11. Russian and German Prisoners.

    The State Department advises that the Germans are exchanging prisoners with the Russians at the rate of three to five trainloads daily. While most of the ...

    Article : 56 words

    The Finnish Government proposes to send 70,000 lied Guard prisoners to Germany to work in war industries. ...

    Article : 26 words
  13. THE ITALIAN FRONT. Enemy Offensive Imminent

    Official advices from Rome indicate that the Austro-German offensive against Italy will begin in ti few days. More than 60 divisions have been concentrated on three ...

    Article : 70 words
  14. Prime Ministers Arrived.

    It is announced that Sir Robert Borden (Prime Minister of Canada) and Mr. Massey (Prime (Minister of New Zealand) have arrived in England. ...

    Article : 31 words
  15. Germans on the Black Sea.

    Germany has informed the Russian naval authorities that the port of Constanza is now open, and offers coal and agricultural implements in exchange for cereals, oil, and ...

    Article : 74 words
  16. Pacifists Again.

    A number of pacifists are preparing a memorial urging Lord Lansdowne to repeat his effort at peace, and declaring that a large section of the people believe that ...

    Article : 43 words
  17. Treachery at Home.

    An enquiry held in reference to the blowing up of the Italian battleship Benedetto Brin (13,214 tons, completed 1905) led to the courtmartialling of four survivors, ...

    Article : 140 words
  18. May Go the Way of Russia.

    The Central News correspondent reports that people arriving in Switzerland from Vienna state that an impression prevails in Vienna that Austria is likely to undergo ...

    Article : 100 words
  19. GENERAL. In the Hospital Raid.

    Eleven girls belonging to the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, who were wounded in the bombing of a hospital in France, have arrived in a London hospital. When ...

    Article : 69 words

    In the House of Commons yesterday "the Secretary to the Food Controller (Mr. Clynes) made-a statement on the food situation. He pointed out that Great ...

    Article : 272 words
  21. "Bomb German Towns."

    A prominent Dutch industrial magnate, who has just returned from Germany, said to a correspondent of The Daily Express—"If you want to end the war quickly bomb ...

    Article : 91 words
  22. AUSTRIA. General Peace Demanded,

    The conference of Social Democrats at Vienna has appealed to the Governments o: the Central Powers to offer a general peace on the following terms:—Firstly, the ...

    Article : 95 words
  23. French Lines Weaker.

    The speech of the French Premier (M. Clemenceau) to the Chamber of Deputies was of a grave character. He laid stress on the approaching crisis, and indicated that ...

    Article : 145 words
  24. Slav Mutinies.

    Official despatches from Zurich confirm the reports of revolts among Slav troops in the Austrian Army. Slav soldiers at Judenborg killed their German officers and ...

    Article : 113 words
  25. Britain's Resolution.

    The Overseas Press Circle tendered a luncheon to lord Beaverbrook, who, in the course of a speech, said the Ministry of Information would always endeavour to ...

    Article : 162 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 41 words
  27. A Widespread Trouble.

    Courtmartiais on 91 officers and 84 men of the Austrian Polish Legion have been opened at Maramaros Sziget, near the Carpathians border of Hungary. The charge ...

    Article : 80 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 68 words
  29. French Munitions Explosion.

    One hundred persons were Killed and 50 injured in an explosion in the Beaussns munitions factory in the south of France. ...

    Article : 28 words



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