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  2. Cricket in England in 1880.

    County Cricket was as interesting as ever in 1880, but did not produce any special features. Notts again bore off the title of Champion, owing her success mainly to the uniformly excellent bowling of Morley and Shaw, and the ...

    Article : 1,583 words

    On Saturday last, in the cricket match Ironclads against Singleton, for the Waddy challenge cup, the Ironclads won by 40 runs, making their seventh win for the trophy. ADELAIDE, MONDAY. ...

    Article : 72 words
  4. Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.

    A general meeting of the members of the above club was held at the clubrooms on Thursday evening, when Mr. James R. Fairfax was unanimously elected commodore in the place of Mr. W. 0. Gilchrist, who has resigned in ...

    Article : 287 words
  5. Yachting and Sailing.

    The yacht Taniwha, which was built by Mr. Nicoils, of Auckland, and competed in the late regatta at Melbourne, has been purchased by a gentleman in Melbourne, not previously known in yachting circles. ...

    Article : 530 words
  6. Handball.

    The intercolonial handball matches commenced on Saturday afternoon at the ball-court of the Rising Sun Hotel, Elizabeth-street, which was very largely patronised, notwithstanding that the court is ...

    Article : 304 words
  7. Woolloomooloo Bay Regatta.

    The committee who have undertaken the management of the above regatta, fixed for March 12, are carrying out their arrangements in a very satisfactory manner. A committee meeting was held on March 1st, and was largely ...

    Article : 193 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 34 words
  9. Open Boat Sailing.

    A private race between the open boats Snowdrop and Lizzie came off on last Saturday afternoon, and resulted in a victory for the former, after a hard race. Both boats were built by the late T. Langford, the Lizzie, the elder of the ...

    Article : 1,940 words
  10. Rowing Notes.

    With the exception of the daily exercise of the intercolonial eight, there is little to note in the way of practice at the Mercantile rowing quarters, Brett and Williams are in practice for the senior sculls, to be decided this afternoon, ...

    Article : 1,065 words
  11. Prince Alfred Yacht Club.

    The abovenamed club was favoured with excellent weather on Saturday afternoon, and a splendid south-east breeze. It had been arranged by the committee that four races should come off, but owing to an ...

    Article : 971 words

    His Excellency Lord I oftus has consented to he patron of the Grafton Regatta on the Queen's birthday. A private match in skiffs was pulled on Saturday, for £10 a side, by two young men named Stuart and Matthenius. ...

    Article : 141 words
  13. St. Leonards Swimming Club.

    A very successful meeting was held on Monday for the purpose of forming a swimming club in connection with the North Shore. Some thirty gentlemen gave in their names, end after appointing a committee and electing Mr. W. ...

    Article : 135 words
  14. Prospects of a Genuine International Rifle Match.

    We gather that Earl Stanhope has forwarded, as chairman of the British National Rifle Association, a challenge to the National Rifle Association of America to compete at Wimbledon, in a long-range match next July. This would ...

    Article : 386 words



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