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    There could be no nobler purpose for any individual than to give his efforts and influence to the healing of the wounds that hatreds and enmities have brought. And be sure that none of this spirit of unforgiveness is in your own soul. It bars the doorway to the life that is in Christ. ...

    Article : 546 words
  3. The Australian Preachers' Quarterly

    The June issue of the Australian Preachers Quarterly will be available in the course of a few days. Special attention is drawn to articles dealing with Evangelism, which are of particular ...

    Article : 109 words
  4. Y.P.D. CAFE.

    Our thanks are due to the following:—Miss K. Stewart and Miss Helen Calvert, flowers; Mrs. Lee, crockery; Mr. Reid, services in laying the linoleum; Mrs. Boden, tea-towels. ...

    Article : 31 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 27 words
  6. Federal Inland Mission

    Rev. C. N. Collard, recently appointed to Wiluna, in the Federal Inland Mission, writes to the General Secretary of Home Missions, Rev. W. H. Jones, "I am now fairly settled in Wiluna, ...

    Article : 126 words
  7. Wolaroi College

    The new term begins next week, with the teaching staff further improved in the appointment of another science master, Mr. J. C. Duff, B.Sc, a trainee of the Teachers' Training College. Mr. ...

    Article : 132 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 181 words
  9. Men's Brotherhoods

    At the monthly meeting held on May 20th, in which the Presbyterian Men's League joined, the Rev. Clive M. Statham, the recently-appointed minister to Albury, delivered an address on ...

    Article : 472 words

    On Saturday last the Annual Rally of the Metropolitan District: C.E. Union took place in the Methodist Church, Cleveland Street. The church was practically full of boys and girls, a pleasing ...

    Article : 128 words
  11. Y.P.D. NEWS.

    Miss Holiday, until recently on the staff of the Rockdale Kindergarten, has just completed six weeks' service in the Hurlstone Park Sunday School; a leader for that department has now ...

    Article : 268 words



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