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  2. An Important Law Point.

    The Age of Wednesday says:—Some surprise has been expressed at a decision of Mr. Windeyer at the late sittings of the Deniliquin Court of Assizes, to the effect that a ...

    Article : 379 words
  3. TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE. (From the Herald, Echo, and Evening News.) PARRAMATTA.

    [Herald.]—A child, about 5 years old, named John E. Harking, was accidentally drowned to-day by falling into a waterhole in Harris Park, near his parents' residence. ...

    Article : 49 words
  4. TUMUT.

    [Herald.]—An influentially attended railway extension meeting was held last night, Mr. M. Marks being chairman. A league was formed, to urge the Government to ...

    Article : 50 words
  5. Questions Answered in the Assembly.

    In the Legislative Assembly on Friday, the following questions were answered by Ministers:— Sir Henry Parkes, in reply to Mr. ...

    Article : 444 words

    [Herald.]—Twelve tons from No. 2 South Centennial (Lukey and party) yielded 21 oz. 17 dwts. of gold. A small alluvial rush has taken place to ...

    Article : 80 words

    [Herald.]—The Customs revenue collected at Brisbane during the past month amounted to £22,294, being an increase of £120 as compared with the corresponding month of ...

    Article : 132 words

    [Herald.]—A man named Owen, who is employed as a pointsman at Kelso station, has been suspended from duty, pending an investigation into the cause of a collision ...

    Article : 117 words

    [Herald.]—In reference to the £500 paid to Mr. A. M'Donell for drafting the Judicature Bill, it appears that no such bill can be found. ...

    Article : 609 words
  10. Notes from the Melbourne Observatory.

    The constellation Canis Major is now prominent in the western heavens during the evening, and may be readily identified by the presence in its midst of the very bright star Sirius. ...

    Article : 788 words
  11. WINDSOR.

    [Echo.]—The grand ball and supper last night at the barracks, in aid of the Hawkesbury Benevolent Society, was a great success, being well and respectably attended. A ...

    Article : 34 words
  12. Agricultural Matters in England.

    In the proceedings of the leading agricultural societies there are often items possessing interest for colonists. From the monthly (March) council meeting of the Royal ...

    Article : 815 words
  13. LITHGOW.

    [Herald.]—About 60 tons of new rails have been rolled this week at the iron works. The new sidings for the Lithgow station have been commenced, and a number of men ...

    Article : 35 words
  14. YASS.

    [Herald.]—1220 acres of land were taken up by free selectors to-day. Heavy rain fell during the night, but the weather is now fine. ...

    Article : 106 words
  15. Heartless Case of Child Desertion.

    A heartless case of neglect and child desertion came before the Newtown Police Court, on Friday morning, a little girl having been left in an unoccupied house, in ...

    Article : 668 words
  16. The Coalmining Dispute at Newcastle.

    The general meeting of miners, convened for Saturday last, took place at half-past 11 o'clock, on Griffiths' Flat, Lambton. There was a large attendance, there being close upon ...

    Article : 343 words
  17. ORANGE.

    [Evening News.]—The Reform Gold Mining Company, situated at Lucknow, have declared a dividend of l6s per scrip, thus showing that this mine is now coming up to ...

    Article : 365 words
  18. Sad Case of Suicide at Quirindi.

    The town of Quirindi was thrown into a state of considerable excitement on Thursday morning last, when it became known that Mrs. Smart, the wife of the landlord of the ...

    Article : 514 words

    [Herald.]—The total deposits of all the banks for the quarter ending March 31 amounts to £3,007,000, being half a million in excess of the previous quarter. This ...

    Article : 575 words

    [H[?]ald.]—The gold escort from Braidwood[?]344oz. The in has ceased, but the weather is threate[?] ...

    Article : 41 words
  21. ARALUEN.

    [Herald.]—Crown Sluicing Company commenced was in their new block at 11 o'clock to-day. [?] have a wide face on gold, and 7 feet [?] which prospects well ...

    Article : 88 words



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