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  2. FIJI.

    HER Majesty's schooner Beagle, under the command of Lieutenant Rendell, returned to Levuka from Kandavn on the 11th of September, and brought up the European letters and papers which had arrived a ...

    Article : 7,583 words
  3. TOLLS.

    SIR,—In your issue of the 1st instant I notice a leader on the municipal question. You remark that the chief problem is that of ways and means; that is very true, and a knotty problem it is; but of all ways and means I think ...

    Article : 880 words

    SIR,—"H. T. F." asks if any of your readers can supply the details of an invention patented by Dr. Bland, so that the honour of the discovery may be given where it is justly due. I enclose the patented specifications of the late Dr. ...

    Article : 86 words

    SIR,—Permit me to thank the Rev. G. F. Macarthur for his sensible letter in to-day's Herald, which states the, question of public education to the clergy precisely as I have stated it. I have reason to know that other clergymen ...

    Article : 249 words
  6. Dr. Bland's Specification.

    "On the keelson of the ship, before it has received its lading, place two, three, or more casks, pipes. or hogsheads near the maste, in such potitions as may be required, the upper part of the casks to be perforated with numerous small holes; each cask ...

    Article : 423 words

    SIR.—In the manifesto that has issued from the Church of England Defence Association, there occurs a paragraph in which it is stated that the upholders of Denominational schools supply, through the general taxation of the ...

    Article : 533 words

    SIR,—The large number of deaths by diphtheria of late years would seem to indicate that the disease is one which baffles medical skill. I believe there are but few recoveries when it has taken firm hold on the sufferer. Hence the ...

    Article : 345 words

    "In a paper, published in the Gazette des Hopitaux for June 2, Professor Bonchut refers to certain pulmonary lesions peculiar to diphtheria and croup, the existence of which he has repeatedly drawn attention to during the last fifteen reare, but which, he ...

    Article : 532 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 136 words



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