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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,667 words
  3. Government Notices.

    The GOODS SHEDS at Redfern and Darling Harbour will NOT be OPEN for the receipt and delivery of goods on the above date; but arrangements will be made for the delivery of perishables at Darling Harbour up till 10 a.m. ...

    Article : 112 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,730 words
  5. Department of Public Works, Railway Branch, Sydney, 20th June, 1885. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS.

    On TUESDAY, 23rd June, a Special Cheap Excursion Train will leave Richmond for Sydney as under:— Fares to Sydney and Back. 1st Class. 2nd class. ...

    Article : 252 words
  6. Department of Public Works, Raliway Branch, Svdney, 20th June, 1885. GOVERNMENT TRAMWAYS.

    The public are hereby informed that from 10 a.m. until such time as the procession shall have passed Park-street, at its junction with Elizabeth-street, ALL TRAMS running south of LIVERPOOL-STREET will shunt at Liverpool-street junction, ...

    Article : 166 words
  7. Department of Public Works, Railway Branch, Sydney, February 5, 1885. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS.

    TENDERS will be at this Office up to 11 a.m. on the dates mentioned hereunder, for the Public Works, &c., specified in the following schedule:— Nature of Works or Supplies. ...

    Article : 135 words
  8. Department of Public Works, Sydney, June 22, 1885. TENDERS FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND SUPPLIES.

    TENDERS are invited for the following Public Works and Supplies. For full particulars see Government Gazette, a file of which is kept at every, Post-office in the colony. Tenderers may be in attendance when the Tenders are opened, ...

    Article : 429 words
  9. The Treasury, New South Wales, 17th June, 1885. TENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF STEAM LAUNCHES.

    TENDERS will be received at this Office until noon of WEDNESDAY, the 24th instant, from persons willing to Purchase from the Government the following Steam Launches:— MABEL ...

    Article : 102 words
  10. The Treasury, New South Wales, 19th June, 1885. PROVISION CONTRACTS FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE, 1885.

    ATTENTION is invited to the notice in the Government Gazette of this date, calling TENDERS for Provision Supplies to the undermentioned Institution during the period from 1st July, 1885, to 31st March. 1886, namely:— ...

    Article : 131 words



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