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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 4,856 words
  3. Government Notices.

    TENDERS are invited for the following Public Works and Supplies. For full particulars see Government Gazette, a file of which is kept at every Post-office in the colony. Tebderers may be in attendance when the Tenders are opened, ...

    Article : 278 words
  4. Department of Public Works, Harbours and Rivers Branch, Sydney, September 1, 1886. BOURKE WATER SUPPLY.

    Please note that delivery of all pipes required for the above Water Supply will be taken into trucks at Darling Harbour instead of at Bourke, as oroginally specified. And with regard to all material required for the Water Tower, ...

    Article : 125 words
  5. Department of Public Works, Harbours and Rivers Branch, Sydney, 5th October, 1886. TO CARPENTERS, &c.

    TENDERS will be received at this office, up to noon on the 14th instant, for the ERECTION of a SMALL HOUSE over the gauge well at end of Canal, near Prospect Reservoir. Plans and specification may be seen and further particulars ...

    Article : 85 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,852 words



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