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  2. PASPALUM PLACE At last Australia's position is clear

    THE TRAGIC thing about the South African Government's ban on news from that country is that reporters arc unable to bring us the news of what one imagines arc the hundreds of thousands ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 519 words
  3. A misleading invitation to voyeurs

    THE GRASPING and nakedly entrepreneurial classes employ sex to assist the selling of almost everything, draping painted hussies across the bonnets of mundane family saloons, showing ...

    Article : 465 words

    CYNICS might say that outright rejection by the Victorian branch of the Australian Labor Party of the main thrust of the recent economic address to the nation by the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, is a sure sign that the Prime ...

    Article : 429 words
  5. Lives worth preserving

    INTERVIEWED on ABC radio yesterday morning, a spokesman for the Returned Services League said there was an urgent need for a safe crossing to be built across Fairbairn Avenue near the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 321 words
  6. Out of step with all

    The Victorians also demand a more interventionist industrial policy, restrictions on foreign investment, more government controls over prices and that a company's imports be tied to its willingness to manufacture in ...

    Article : 447 words
  7. Robbing soccer of entertainment

    ANYONE interested in the eventual success of soccer in Australia, a success which will only come about if the sport is attractive enough to be watched by enough people, should note an opinion ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 332 words
  8. Letters to the Editor Marauding dogs detested

    Sir, — For years we have put up with the neighbourhood dogs. They have barked all day, howled all night, knocked the garbage can ...

    Article : 201 words
  9. Times past

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 66 words
  10. Speculation on Our Lady

    Sir, — Dougal Macdonald's judgment (CT, June 13), as an objective secular critic, on the film 'Je Vous Salue, Marie, is ...

    Article : 134 words
  11. No title

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 0 words
  12. Did you know that?

    THIS is the first weekly Tuesday column of randomly selected data reflecting the sums of our society. Millionaires in Australia 1984: ...

    Article : 290 words
  13. Administrative hangover

    Sir, — Your front page of Monday, June 2, quotes a Department of Territories paper which argues for the acceptance of ...

    Article : 217 words

    The Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen, and Lady Stephen gave a reception for members of a Lions cultural mission from St ...

    Article : 83 words



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