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  2. ? '- THE • •. .! GEHEBA1 ELECTIONS.

    All political interest is now centred in the country constituencies, although the organising committees representing both sides «f the old Parliament still meet in Sydney and discuss i arrangements. The Ministers 'who have gone through the fight at the ballot-box have gone to help supporters in the country. Under this~pro-frrammn Sir TTenrv Parkas 5r ccAnir to look ...

    Article : 402 words

    The first missionary schooner built for service J on the New Guinea coast, and intended for the { Wesleyan mission station there; was launched at I Barry's Bay on Thursday. ? The steamer JEfcon, loaded with timber, bound J for Vancouver's Island to Port Pirie, put; in at! Newcastle on Thursday for bunker cokL She le*Tes for her destination to-day. ...

    Article : 60 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,219 words

    A child named Mary Swinson, aged 2 years, died at Newcastle on Thursday night, from the effects of poison. While her mother's back was turned the child took up a bottle containing eye- lotion, and swallowed a portion of its contents. Medical aid was summoned, bat arrived too late to save the child's life. i ...

    Article : 221 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 398 words

    The annual business conference of the South ?Australian Bailway Service Association was con-tinned in Adelaide on Thursday. Most of the sitting was taken up with considering and revis­ing the rulea. It was decided to send a telegram to Messrs. H. C. Hoyle and W. F. Schey (preBi- ...

    Article : 202 words

    A largely-attended meeting- of the Trades and Labor Council was held on Thursday night. The newly-elected Ms.L.A. were received with much enthusiasm. Mr. Backhouse, a friend of Six George Grey's, was present, and said that he had been requested by telegram that day from Sir George Grey to convey to them his congratula­tions at the great success of the labor party at the recent elections. Mr. Trenwith, M.L.A., of Victoria (a labor member), was also present, and delivered an interesting address. The whole pro­ceedings were of an enthusiastic nature. ...

    Article : 99 words

    The postponed recital on the Y.M.C.A. organ by Mr. W. T. Sharp trill take place this evening. The members of the Intercolonial Stock Con­ference continued their deliberations on Thurs­day. In the course of the afternoon the con­sideration of the proposed intercolonial stock regulations was concluded. The decisions arrived at will be made known on a subsequent date. ...

    Article : 1,014 words
  10. That Disastrous Fire.

    The outbreak of the fire which de­stroyed the premises in George-street lately occupied by Messrs. M'Lean Brothers and Bigg, Messrs. J. G-. Hanks and Co., and Mr. W. Bucking­ham is still a mystery. Superintendent ...

    Article : 175 words
  11. In the Country.

    Beg a, Friday.-There is great excitement here over the coming election. Mr. Henry Clarke, the senior member, and Mr. Neiliey, the fxeetradc candidate, addressed one of the largest audiences that has been seen here for years in the Lyceum Hall last nijjht. They received an attentive hearing, and war* freqaently applauded. A vote of confidence was accorded to each candi­date. After the previously mentioned speakers ...

    Article : 770 words
  12. A Rate Collector.

    Juiaos Powney, alias Pbillipe, alias Pynnont Jimmy, 29, was charged on remand at the Central Police Court yesterday, with having obtained from Elizabeth Simpson 15s 9d, by means of false pretences, with intent to defraud. When arrested by Senior-constable P. M'Govern, he said, " If you go on with this case to-day, I'll plead guilty to this lot." Accused went to urosecufcrir's hous9. ...

    Article : 122 words
  13. V>ater Licensing Conrt.

    Mr. O'Malley Clarke, S.M., presided at the ad­journed special meeting of the Water Police Licensing Court yesteaday. A transfer of publicans' licence was granted from Luke Heffeman to Thomas Igoe, for the President Xincoln Hq^el, ForbeB-street. ...

    Article : 130 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 253 words
  15. Bourke Show.

    BoxmKS, Friday.-There was-a great attend­ance at the show yesterday, folly 8000 being present. The Hunters' Prize was won by Bramble, who also tied -with Dexter, a galloway, for the high jump «f about 6 feet 9 inches. To-' day $he sheep dog trials tabulate. ...

    Article : 50 words
  16. Drinking Together.

    At ifche Quarter Seasons fto-day,Thomas Bey-aiolda wMsrrugasdsppn an 3sdicrtaQaat charging him vith haying garottedBenrjrBniith, Thsre ?was alBoa second count for assault and robbery. He pleaded not gniHy. On Aprfl 31 prowcutor, pmoner, and oliers were JdnnMng in aniiiotel in ...

    Article : 86 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 113 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 53 words
  19. ?the

    After the sucoees of the labor/isft attaches**) the new party, and we therefore Again publish the platform which was' adopted by the ...

    Article : 1,035 words



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