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  2. Mining.

    The Yeoval Gold Discovery.—Mr. John Egan, of Wellington, has written to us to say that the alluvial discovery at Yeoval, reported in our columns, does no warrant a rush. He avers that it is an old ...

    Article : 2,104 words
  3. Another Health Danger.

    The alleged sale of diseased meat has been drawn attention to on several occasions in these columns, and articles have also been written exposing the apparent impunity with which stock ...

    Article : 1,737 words
  4. Sir Henry Parkes at St. Leonards.

    At the new Town Hall, East St. Leonards, last evening, and under the auspices of the St. Leonards Literary and Debating Society, an immense audience assembled to hear Sir Henry Parkes ...

    Article : 1,790 words
  5. Trades and Labor Council.

    The Trades and Labor Council met on Thursday evening, at the Trades Hall, corner of Dixon and Goulburn streets, this being the first occasion of the council's meeting in the Trades Hall. Mr. ...

    Article : 427 words
  6. Trade Affairs.

    In accordance with a resolution carried at a general meeting of the New South Wales Typographical Association, circulars have been sent to the members a king the association to vote for ...

    Article : 523 words
  7. Sir Henry Parkes at the University.

    Shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon Sir Henry Parkes visited the University, and was fittingly received by Sir William Manning, Chancellor, and several of the professors, attired ...

    Article : 928 words
  8. Casualties.

    The following accidents have been treated, but not admitted, at the Sydney Hospital since Wednesday: George Head, 15, schoolboy, Pyrmont, punctured wound of foot; Patrick ...

    Article : 165 words
  9. The Glebe-Balmain Bridge.

    On Thursday night a meeting in connection with the above movement was held in the town, hall, Balmain, the Mayor (Mr. E. H. Buchanan) being in the chair. There was a fair and ...

    Article : 400 words
  10. Bulli Disaster Fund.

    A meeting of the general committee was held at the offices of Mesers. Scouller and Robertson on Tuesday afternoon, and in the absence of Mr. A. J. Riley, M.P., the Hon. G. A. Lloyd, M.L.C., was ...

    Article : 249 words
  11. Irrigation for Australia!

    Irrigation is attracting increased attention throughout Australia; and anything tending to enlarge the public knowledge on the subject is interesting to a great number of readers. In the ...

    Article : 348 words

    Sir,—Doubtless among the hundreds who have lost their money in the bubble companies which have been floated and conducted by the "mart" men of business of Melbourne and Adelaide, there ...

    Article : 372 words
  13. An Advertising Swindle.

    George Dobbie, who had been found guilty at the Quarter Sessions on Wednesday of attempting to obtain the sum of £5 by means of a false promise and of false pretences, was ...

    Article : 180 words
  14. A Painful Accident.

    Mr. J. Porter, after attending the St. Fiacre's concert on Wednesday at the Leichhardt town hall, was walking down the steps of the main entrance, when by some means he slipped and fell. Upon ...

    Article : 70 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 141 words
  16. Fire.

    An outbreak of fire took place at about 7 o'clock last evening in a house occupied by Mr. Morris in Simmons-street, Newtown. The flames were extinguished by the Newtown Brigade and ...

    Article : 86 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 72 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 42 words



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