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  2. Nepean Water Scheme.

    Following the line of shafts which mark the direction of the Nepean Tunnel, which conveys the water from the head of the line at Pheasant's Nest into the cataract River, one arrives by a somewhat difficult ...

    Article : 2,466 words
  3. Political and Reform Conference.

    The adjourned meeting of the Political and Protection Reform Conference was held in the Temperance Hall on Wednesday night. As was the case at the previous meeting, the proceedings were greatly ...

    Article : 1,192 words
  4. Country News.

    COUNCIL.—At last meeting of the Ryde Council, the important subject of encroachments on property throughout the borough by the aligning of all streets and roads was dealt with. It was decided that all ...

    Article : 503 words
  5. Capt. Reid's Lecture.

    On Wednesday evening Capt. Reid lectured in the School of Arts to a crowded audience, who frequently testified their appreciation by applause. The subject was "The Attack of Fortresses." As far as possible ...

    Article : 640 words

    WEATHER.— The first three days this week were nice and warm, frith heavy frosts at night. Thursday evening it commenced raining, and continued steadily during the night. Since then we are ...

    Article : 181 words

    A BALL AND SUPPER was given at Mr. R. Reid's of this, place, on Thursday, the 28th ultimo, when a goodly number assembled. The night was enlivened by songs at intervals, and sung very well. and sung very well. Dancing ...

    Article : 73 words

    ADVANCE EAST KEMPSEY.—The opening celebration of the new Protestant Hall, East Kempsey, took place on the 21st instant, by a public meeting and concert, under the auspices of the Orange Lodge No. ...

    Article : 663 words

    DIAMOND MINING.—Mining generally in Inverell has been a mainstay since the discovery of rich tin deposits in 1872. That metal alone served to enhance the reputation of the district and increase its wealth ...

    Article : 960 words
  10. The Circular Quay.

    The action of the Mayor of Sydney in having called the attention of the Government to the state of Circular Quay is already bearing fruit, inasmuch as tenders are being invited for about a million cubes ...

    Article : 769 words
  11. Scene in the Burwood Council.

    The Mayor of Burwood on Wednesday made a statement to the effect that certain remarks made by aldermen were not only contemptible, but untrue. He denied that he had asked any people for their ...

    Article : 367 words

    THE WINTER is upon us in real earnest. Friday last we were visited by a splendid fall of rain, accompanied by lightning and thunder. Saturday a fierce cold westerly wind prevailed, and since than, both ...

    Article : 573 words
  13. Burwood Borough Council.

    A meeting of the Burwood Council was held on Wednesday night, when there were present the Mayor (Mr. E. Sanders), and Aldermen Meares, Willshire, O'Connell, Brown, Broughton, Hall, and ...

    Article : 457 words
  14. Stewards and Cooks' Union.

    The usual meeting of the Stewards and Cooks' Union was held in the Masonic Temple, Clarence-street, on Monday evening. The President (Mr. J. H. Ferguson) occupied the chair, and there was a ...

    Article : 94 words
  15. Working Man's Club.

    A deputation from the committee of the recently forward Cosmopolitan Working Man's Beading and Pastime Club waited upon the Mayor on Wednesday, and asked him to formally open he club rooms of the ...

    Article : 140 words
  16. Marrickville Volunteers.

    An enthusiastic meeting was held on Wednesday night in the Marrickville Town Hall, for the purpose of enrolling members for the proposed Marrickville Volunteer Infantry Stifle Corps. The hall was fairly ...

    Article : 314 words
  17. The Patriotic Fund.

    A meeting of the Patriotic Fond Committee was held in the Sydney Town Hall, on Wednesday afternoon, when there were present:—Mr. W. Campbell, M.L.A. (in the chair), Captain Broomfield, Messers. ...

    Article : 212 words
  18. KIAMA.

    DROUGHT.—The dry weather continues to affect the farmers in this district, and they now apprehend one of the most trying winters that has visited these ports for years. Owing to the hardness and dryness ...

    Article : 261 words
  19. Advertising

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    Advertising : 58 words
  20. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words
  21. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words



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