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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 26 words
  3. The Northumberland Election.

    The nomination in connection with the Northumberland Election took place here to-day and intense [?] was ma[?] in the proceedings. There was a large crowd of people present; chiefly ...

    Article : 127 words

    A meeting of the tin[?]tants of this township was held at the School of Arts this afternoon, for the purpose of urging upon the Government the desirability and public advantage of making the ...

    Article : 256 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,023 words

    The PRESIDENT took the chair at half-past 4 o'clock. The Customs Regulation Bill was further considered in committee. Mr. DOCKER recapitained the principal points in the ...

    Article : 275 words
  7. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 168 words
  8. Two Hundred Miners Thrown out of Employment.

    The continued low figure ruling in the copper market, both here and in London, had had unfortunately the same effect on copper mining in this colony as in South Australia, and the Mount ...

    Article : 77 words

    In answer to questions, Ministers gave the following replies:—(1) No instructions have been given to surveyors not to survey any land applied for under the 31st clause of the Lands Act Amendment Act, which is not at least ...

    Article : 2,618 words
  10. JULY 19.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 33 words
  11. The Lifeboat Blunder at Newcastle.

    The inquest on the mate of the Yarra Yarra was resumed to-day at 3 o'clock. Captain Allan, Harbour Master, has been under examination since the commencement of the sitting. ...

    Article : 214 words
  12. MUDGEE, Wednesday.

    A public meeting was held at the Cudgegong Council-chambers lest evening, with the object of forming a Farmers' and Free Selectors' Union, for purposes of self-protection, &c. There was a good ...

    Article : 641 words
  13. No title

    ONE of the objects which the Government is pledged to seek, during the remainder of the present session, is the passing of a measure for the rectification of municipal affairs in Sydney. ...

    Article : 756 words
  14. Australian Mutual Fire Insurance Society.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 464 words
  15. Dredging the Hunter.

    It has been stated several times of late that the river dredge, had been taken off the river, and removed to Newcastle, to assist in dredging the harbour deeper. We (MAITLAND MERCURY) understand ...

    Article : 165 words
  16. Heavy Sentence for Bigamy.

    At the Melbourne Criminal Sittings, on July 16, Thomas Chapman was presented for bigamy. Mr. G. P. Smith defended the prisoner. Bvidenee was called to prove that on the 7th July, 1875, the prisoner was ...

    Article : 276 words

    Business in the import markets continues stagnant, and until the mails have been received there is no prospect of any improvement. Small trade sales of tea, ex Bowen, continue to be made at fair market ...

    Article : 344 words
  18. Deniliquin Races.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 98 words
  19. Mr. Buchanan's Last.

    In the Assembly, on the 31st July, Mr. Buchanan is to move—(1) That, in the opinion of this House, the conferring by the British Crown of such titles as knighthood, or any titles whatever, upon any of the ...

    Article : 77 words
  20. Amusements.

    TRICKETT'S BENEPIT.—The performance this evening is announced for the benefit of the champion sculler, Mr. Edward Trickatt, who it appears has been a loser in connection with the great boat race. The ...

    Article : 347 words
  21. The gale of Crown Lands.

    Mr. Day has given notice in the Assembly of a motion to the effect—(1) That in the opinion of this House, an amended Laud Bill should be introduced by the Government. (2) That in view of the great ...

    Article : 129 words
  22. Coursing.

    THE third day's coursing for the Waterlog Cup and its belongings came off yesterday at Sunday, when the first ties of the Cup were run through, and three courses of the Waterloo Purse. New South Wales has Gill Gill and Barunan still ...

    Article : 384 words
  23. Railway Mismanagement.

    On Monday last a breakdown occurred (reports the BATHURST FREE PRESS) to one of the engines on the Blayney line, and an engine was sent from Blayney to fetch the train that had been delayed. It ...

    Article : 305 words
  24. Suspicious Occurrence at Balranald.

    A Balranald correspondent telegraphs as follows:—"George Smith, carpenter, was burnt to death at about midnight on Saturday. An inquest was held today, when a verdict was returned that there was ...

    Article : 62 words
  25. Stock and Share Market.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 37 words
  26. Religious Fraternisation.

    The reception of the deputation from the Presbyterian body was the first business transacted by the Church of England Assembly at Melbourne, on Monday, and an exchange of good wishes took place ...

    Article : 200 words
  27. The Melbourne Stock Market.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 33 words
  28. The District Court Judges.

    Mr. R.B. Smith has given notice in the Assembly to the effect that the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider the expediency of adopting an address to the Governor, praying his ...

    Article : 89 words
  29. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 133 words
  30. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words



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