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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,332 words
  3. Sudden Death of an Aged Widow.

    THE widow of an old East Indian officer named Eliza P. Smith, aged 70 years, died somewhat suddenly at her residence, No. 7, Lewington-terrace, St. Leonards, North Shore, last Monday afternoon. ...

    Article : 748 words
  4. The City of Glasgow Bank Trial.

    THE trial of the directors and managers of the City of Glasgow Bank managers commenced in the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh on January 20. The prisoners were placed in ...

    Article : 1,732 words
  5. Parliament.

    MR. LACKEY said, in reply to Mr. M'Elbone, that the quantity of coal purchased by the Government in 1877 from the Lithgow Valley collieries was 20,521 tons; from the vale of Olwydd, 13 tons; from the Esk Bank, 1675 tons; and ...

    Article : 1,539 words
  6. News by the Mail.

    A most extraordinary shooting case, which is likely to have a fatal termination, is reported from Portsmouth. On January 20 four youngsters, named M'Farlan, Williams, and Travers, two of ...

    Article : 319 words
  7. Burwood Public Park.

    THERE was a large meeting of the ratepayers of Burwood, Five Dock, and Concordat Kearney a Hotel, Burwood, last evening, to consider the action of the Burwood Council in appointing themselves trustees ...

    Article : 876 words
  8. Bingera Race Meeting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 73 words
  9. Queensland Turf Club Races.

    THE following are non-acceptors for the Queensland Turf Club Autumn Meeting:—BRISBANE CUP.—King Cole, Rake, Sir Andrew, Logic, and Orphan. ...

    Article : 39 words
  10. The American Champion Sculler.

    Edward Hanlan, the champion among all the scullers of America, left Toronto, Out., for New York on Saturday, Jan. 25, and arrived here (says the New York Clipper), at neon on Sunday, accompanied by David Ward. They were met at ...

    Article : 410 words

    George Davidson, astronomer in charge of the United States survey of the Pacific coast, then gave some observations on " Instruments of Precision at the Paris Exposition." He said that he ...

    Article : 466 words
  12. Burglary in Melbourne.

    A burglary of a somewhat serious nature was perpetrated in Collins-street some time during Saturday night, or early yesterday morning (says the ARGUS of the 31st March). It was discovered yesterday that ...

    Article : 258 words
  13. Pope and King.

    A GRAND requiem mass, offered by the Municipality of Rome, in commemoration of the anniversary of the death of Victor Emmanuel, was sung on January 26 in the church of Santa Maria ...

    Article : 503 words
  14. Fatal Fight.

    About half-past 7 o'clock last night Samuel Sergeant a labourer, aged 41 years of age, expired at the residence of his father, John Sargeant, Cook's River Road. Deceased had been drunk and fighting with ...

    Article : 182 words
  15. Fluke in Sheep.

    On Saturday, March 29, Meagre. J. Finlay, John Simson, W. Cumming, George Aitken, and A. Lincolne, members of the National Agricultural Society of Victoria, with the secretary, proceeded to ...

    Article : 237 words

    According to Le Sport, a new breed of horses has been produced. It is called the "race Bourbaki;" and the story of its production is as follows :—When, at the end of the war of 1870-71 ...

    Article : 422 words
  17. Brief Mention.

    Mr. W. Christie, of Gerringong, met with a very serious accident on Monday, March 24, having had one of his legs broken a little above the ankle. Doctor James George Beaney, F.R.C.S.E., the ...

    Article : 688 words
  18. Scene in an Opera House.

    It is not often that a pet monkey in taken to hear the opera (says the Melbourne Argus of March 31), but such was the case at the Opera-house on Saturday night, when two members of the gentler sex, both ...

    Article : 232 words
  19. Outrage at Lambton.

    The town of Lambton was thrown into tremendous excitement, says the correspondent of the NEWCASTLE HERALD of April 1st, by the circulation of a report that a little girl, eight years old, daughter of Mr. ...

    Article : 384 words
  20. The Acting-Secretary of Agricultural Society.

    A sad accident occurred on Saturday to Mr. H. M. Wright, the acting-secretary of the Agricultural Society, which it is feared will have very serious results, and probably, if a relapse takes place, Mr. ...

    Article : 202 words
  21. Saddlers' and Harnessmakers' Protective Society.

    The quarterly meeting of the Saddlers' and Harnessmakers' Protective Society was held last evening : At the Swan with Two Necks. The business of the previous meeting having been confirmed, officers for ...

    Article : 126 words
  22. Rush and Laycock.

    The training of Rush and Laycock for the great match on Saturday week is creating much interest in boating circles, and the rowing of both men has been witnessed by some good judges, but no very ...

    Article : 160 words
  23. Mr. South's Benefit.

    The popular comedian of the Theatre Royal, Mr. James South, takes his benefit to-morrow evening. " Our Boys" and " Cinderella" are the pieces to be played, and the beneficiare ought to have a bumper ...

    Article : 187 words
  24. This Evening's Events.

    At the Theatre Royal "Neck or Nothing" and "Creatures of Impulse " are to be played for the last time. The second of the charitable concerts will be given at the Captain Cook's Statue, under ...

    Article : 103 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 176 words
  26. The Borough Match.

    The committee who have arranged the match between the Glebe and Darlington boroughs are leaving nothing undone to secure a success. A neatly designed and richly illuminated invitation card, ...

    Article : 84 words
  27. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 81 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 19 words



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