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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 30 words
  3. Bowen intends leaving politics next election

    The Attorney-General, Mr Bowen, confirmed yesterday that he would leave politics at the next election. He said on Channel Nine's Sunday ...

    Article : 400 words
  4. Extradition for Kahan unlikely

    Australia seems unlikely to apply for the extradition of alleged Fijian arms-smuggling mastermind Mr Mohammed Relic Kahan from Britain, at least until after a similar application from Fiji has been decided. ...

    Article : 326 words
  5. Beale: bend the rules and people exploit it

    Mr Julian Beale, 53, is the man at the centre of a quarantine row, and allegations from at least three Commonwealth Medical Officers that he could ...

    Article : 1,376 words
  6. Netballers beat the world

    The Australian under-21 netball team showed yesterday why it is considered the best in the world when it thrashed its next-best ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 232 words
  7. Reprieve for Nipper

    LONDON: A guard dog sentenced to die has been reprieved because a pet psychologist said he was suffering from job stress. The death sentence had been handed down after ...

    Article : 106 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 91 words
  9. Soviet trawlers up ASIO needs

    The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation would need extra resources to cope with port access for Soviet fishing vessels, the Attorney-General, Mr Bowen, said ...

    Article : 197 words
  10. Bulkbill doctors listed

    The ACT Council of Social Service has published a list of Canberra doctors who will bulkbill their patients, as part of its campaign to increase the provision in the ACT of free ...

    Article : 125 words
  11. Raiders beaten

    Lapses of concentration immediately before and after half-time saw the Canberra Raiders lose 23-16 to Canterbury-Banks-town in the rugby league match of the day at ...

    Article : 40 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 48 words
  13. Burma may open up after resignation

    RANGOON: Burma's leaders are considering drastic changes in the country's rigid economy, including lifting barriers to private foreign investment for the first ...

    Article : 752 words



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