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  2. Horror! Horror! Horror!

    Mr. PUNCH having by chance stumbled across a stale "Sydiney Mornin' Eral'" was inexpressibly shocked to find the following barbarous advertisement in its generally mild and anti-cruelty-to-animals columns. If he had seen it ...

    Article : 150 words
  3. How to Earn Two Pounds Easily.

    Find an old embroidered pocket handkerchief with two holes, and return it to the owner as directed per Herald, and there you are. N.B.--The fortunate recipient of this princely sum will be kind enough to send six shillings and ...

    Article : 71 words
  4. A Triumph of Mind over Matter.

    ELIZABETH N--.Mr. PUNCH commends the following advertisement from the Brisbane Courier to the attention of "Schoolmasters abroad" as a triumphant specimen of their system of tuition. It would also take an honoured position in the "puzzle" ...

    Article : 233 words

    CABBY (looking at his fare).--Vy, vot d'ye call this? my fare? I s'pose you calls yourself gemmun, but I thinks you wuss nor Common Councilmen. One colonial bob for carrying that lot! Vy, I haught to charge you hextra freight for carrying your mustarchers. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 52 words
  6. Song.

    Dedicated with all possible respect to H. K., in unspeakable admiration of his inexpressibly beautiful verses in Tuesday's Empire.--"Sitting by the Fire." Ah, the solace in the strumming, ...

    Article : 266 words
  7. The N. S. Wales Gazetteer.

    MR. PUNCH begs to acknowledge with thanks the receipt, from Messrs. Bailliere and Whitworth, of a handsomely bound copy of the valuable and instructive "New South Wales Gazetteer," published by the former, and compiled with great ability by the latter gentleman. He ...

    Article : 242 words



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