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    Advertising : 133 words
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    Advertising : 13 words

    Who can un[?]ted brave the Critic's rage. Or note unmoved his meation in the Critic's page. Parade his errors in the public eye. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 954 words
  6. The Only Real Saviours of the State.

    A correspondent of "Truth," writing from Charieville wants to know why a number of our younger politicians, platform patriots, limelight loving notoriety-Hunting parsons, and jejune newspaper, editors and leader-writers don't volunteer for the fighting line themselves, instead of stoushing the sauerkrauters with their jaws and splashing them with dirty ink. Ac for that our correspondent is probably unmindful of the fact that these preposterous pratting persons and soribbing scribes have undoubtedly all read, with admieation which has bred imitation, the famous classic legend that the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 655 words
  7. An Apotheostical Aftermath

    The discussion of the personality and policy of Napoleon, and the comparison of them with those of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ, lead one far afield ...

    Article : 1,649 words

    Sir,--(1) These men were undoubtedly great in a human degree but to attempt, to endow them with "divine" attributes is an impertinent reflection ...

    Article : 2,214 words



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